Mate arrested

bainy said:
peoffrey said:
grim up north said:
unfortunately these days you break a rule, get caught, you pay the consequences no matter how harsh they may seem.

The problem is that not everyone banned / suspended has broken a rule. They're being thrown out for ridiculous things or it's mistaken identity with the smoking in the toilets at half time. That's definitely happened twice and I daresay more often. Some of the Stewards lack basic intelligence and just lob people out without thinking about it first.

The rules are not clear as well (yes we all know about violence, fireworks, hatchets, rascism etc) - opposition fans often sing utd songs and some wear utd shirts. At ajax, there was a MUFC banner displayed the whole game in the ajax end. Holding a rivals football shirt up is small change in comparison IMO. City make a big thing of guidetti in the programme and city square - some ajaxs fans at the match were not impressed with this.
Its unfair that someone gets a ban without being aloud to air there view.

Heard today that this has still not been resolved, the lad who was thrown out doesnt know if he will get a reprieve, a 3 match ban or loose his season ticket. Surelys this cant be right! As a paying customer (supporter) to be refused entry into the stadium without being able to give your version of events in a timely manner is poor. This isnt a good 'customer service' and city certainly arent supporting there supporters. The lad should get to air his side of things before any punishment is dished out!!
bainy said:
bainy said:
peoffrey said:
The problem is that not everyone banned / suspended has broken a rule. They're being thrown out for ridiculous things or it's mistaken identity with the smoking in the toilets at half time. That's definitely happened twice and I daresay more often. Some of the Stewards lack basic intelligence and just lob people out without thinking about it first.

The rules are not clear as well (yes we all know about violence, fireworks, hatchets, rascism etc) - opposition fans often sing utd songs and some wear utd shirts. At ajax, there was a MUFC banner displayed the whole game in the ajax end. Holding a rivals football shirt up is small change in comparison IMO. City make a big thing of guidetti in the programme and city square - some ajaxs fans at the match were not impressed with this.
Its unfair that someone gets a ban without being aloud to air there view.

Heard today that this has still not been resolved, the lad who was thrown out doesnt know if he will get a reprieve, a 3 match ban or loose his season ticket. Surelys this cant be right! As a paying customer (supporter) to be refused entry into the stadium without being able to give your version of events in a timely manner is poor. This isnt a good 'customer service' and city certainly arent supporting there supporters. The lad should get to air his side of things before any punishment is dished out!!
no he has to apologise to fletcher but still.get 3 game ban no matter what you say. The guys a prick.
peoffrey said:
Howling Wolf said:
exactly showing feyenord scoring is ok but for one fan to hold up a shirt isn't.

This. It's far too much of a coincidence for Guidetti to be on front of the matchday programe because he's barely played for us.
why the lads done it, god only knows and i havnt much sympathy, but if i was him i would be using the two posts above as my defence plus the fact that they had a man u flag/banner in their ground but nothing said or done about that...
MCFCboi said:
Oh God, I need some sleep! For a second there I read that as "Mata arrested".

matas not who he is
its still a 3 match ban and a grovelling letter to Fletch Spanish acceptable<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:13 pm --<br /><br />
BezzMCFC said:
bainy said:
iloveacougar said:
Had is season ticket de activated waiting is response


Danny's email as below;

please keep us all updated about your mate. I think citys reaction is completely OTT. How can they dish out a banning order before your mate had a chance to explain / give his view?? Thats what happens in china - guilty until proven otherwise!!
if this isnt resolved satisfactory i will be bombarding Danny with emails expressing my disatisfaction with the way fans are treated.

Pointless emailing this guy.. His pa picks them up n she is just as bad as fletcher

Why is Wilson playing the fans with this good cop bad cop routine? if he cannot make the decision he should stay out of it its just confusing already muddied waters
To put the record straight i will answer this one time and one time only .

All that was seen and heard on the video recordings was 100 % accurate and true .

The medical condition as heard again 100 % accurate , and finally when i attended that match 1 year ago i was not planning to be an actor !! i also did not become an actor.

I will leave you with one final statement,

" the overiding memory of the whole situation ( and i cannot loose the memory of this ) was when the Show Sec #Stewards# came at me over the seats i 100 % thought he was going to drag me forward over the seat in front of me and without doubt trapping and possibly breaking my legs , that is why i would not stand up , and yes what happened next was a true situation" .

The memory of the above paragrapth has never gone away.

In fact i later realised the gentleman who sits behind me had his arms round me to stop me being pulled forward .

Again big thanks ( a year late) to all round me who helped , also thank you to my son who had a lot to put up with .

All in all it is not something i would wish to re-live .

I have to say things happened so fast ( most much of a blurr ) that i have learnt much from looking at the videos , again big thanks to the people who took and posted them .

Trust me when you are on the ground under that lot even if you could see you i imagine you would not see a lot .

I am also mindful of the agreement i had with MCFC about no publicity .

My job requires me to have security clearance and this incident was very close to effecting that .

I think the fact i was de-arrested helped me not to have a record to effect my security .

I also have UK and European Disclosure - another security level - which again could have been effected if all had gone to the next level.

But when you see me at a match please feel free to have a chat .

The police where after the event 100 % perfect , infact they shook my and apologised for the "situation".

It was Show Sec who ejected me from the ground not the police .

I would also like to thank Anne Marie from SFS (?) who spoke up for me at
the hearing at MCFC on the Sunday morning of the 1 - 6 derby , now i will talk about that !!

I do hope this answers your doubts , but if does not , well sorry no more .

So my friend no more questions please, i have really had enough of the memorys of that day .
Not followed the thread mate but can i ask, are you James Bond ? :p

Ok serious now showsec annoy me, like that twat celebrating the Ajax goal against us.
Now if that is not inflamatory then i dunno what is, he is lucky we are not fans of Boca etc or he would have been taking a dive over the barrier to the lower levels.

In short i am ashamed to see blues treated like this and me and the guy i share a ticket with are fuming about showsec.

Fuck off Fletcher you spineless twat.
johnbmcr said:
MCFCboi said:
Oh God, I need some sleep! For a second there I read that as "Mata arrested".

matas not who he is
its still a 3 match ban and a grovelling letter to Fletch Spanish acceptable

-- Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:13 pm --

BezzMCFC said:
bainy said:

Danny's email as below;

please keep us all updated about your mate. I think citys reaction is completely OTT. How can they dish out a banning order before your mate had a chance to explain / give his view?? Thats what happens in china - guilty until proven otherwise!!
if this isnt resolved satisfactory i will be bombarding Danny with emails expressing my disatisfaction with the way fans are treated.

Pointless emailing this guy.. His pa picks them up n she is just as bad as fletcher

Why is Wilson playing the fans with this good cop bad cop routine? if he cannot make the decision he should stay out of it its just confusing already muddied waters

Excuse me but Danny Wilson does NOT play the fans, he responds to emails sent to him. Would you prefer it if he completely ignored an email from a fan? Of course, then that would give you another opportunity to moan about him!!

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