Matija Nastasic

Have people forgotten the promise and rave reviews he had when he first arrived - I think the treatment of him by senior players like Zab & Vinnie was a bit shitty last night TBH. He looks the sort that a pat on the back might work better!! - And Pellegrini is giving him no confidence at all - Feel very sorry for him and how he's being handled at the moment .....
kippaxchris said:
lancs blue said:
TrueBlue1705 said:
It didn't even look like Vinnies ball - Gary Neville used to rave about Nastasic - I just think he needs regular games. Looked a good defender when he first arrived

From EL3 it definitely looked more like Nasty's ball and Vinny should have left it to him unless Vinny had shouted.

It was Vinnies ball he made the first challenge and was clearly onto the second and then Nasty comes and gets involved! How could he not see it was vinnies tussle and he was getting the ball

-- Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:41 pm --

hertsblue said:
As it stands he is a good enough squad member who can cover in the short term but we do need a long term partner for Kompany, someone top draw but I think we all know that
He came in and covered short term last night and was awful

Vinny was going towards goal though with the striker breathing down his neck and Nastasic was clearly trying to take the ball out of the danger zone. Remember the howler against Chelsea where people blamed Nastasic and said he should of too it away from goal? well he tried to help a team mate and do that last night but still somehow gets the blame.
lust overlord said:
We need a central defence scapegoat since Demichelis has moved to midfield.

What bollocks. I was the person who bumped this thread, simply asking why if he was struggling due to our offside trap. If I wanted to make him a scapegoat I'd have started a thread calling him "Natuptoitstic" or said he was bat turd. It would be stupid to get rid of him but last night he was shocking.
city91 said:
kippaxchris said:
lancs blue said:
From EL3 it definitely looked more like Nasty's ball and Vinny should have left it to him unless Vinny had shouted.

It was Vinnies ball he made the first challenge and was clearly onto the second and then Nasty comes and gets involved! How could he not see it was vinnies tussle and he was getting the ball

-- Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:41 pm --

hertsblue said:
As it stands he is a good enough squad member who can cover in the short term but we do need a long term partner for Kompany, someone top draw but I think we all know that
He came in and covered short term last night and was awful

Vinny was going towards goal though with the striker breathing down his neck and Nastasic was clearly trying to take the ball out of the danger zone. Remember the howler against Chelsea where people blamed Nastasic and said he should of too it away from goal? well he tried to help a team mate and do that last night but still somehow gets the blame.

It was a completely different situation and that was down to Hart not Nasty but he could have injured Vinnie last night
kippaxchris said:
city91 said:
kippaxchris said:
It was Vinnies ball he made the first challenge and was clearly onto the second and then Nasty comes and gets involved! How could he not see it was vinnies tussle and he was getting the ball

-- Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:41 pm --

He came in and covered short term last night and was awful

Vinny was going towards goal though with the striker breathing down his neck and Nastasic was clearly trying to take the ball out of the danger zone. Remember the howler against Chelsea where people blamed Nastasic and said he should of too it away from goal? well he tried to help a team mate and do that last night but still somehow gets the blame.

It was a completely different situation and that was down to Hart not Nasty but he could have injured Vinnie last night

Vinny could have injured himself by not letting Nastasic deal with it. What it did show is that Vinny is not as comfortable with Nasty as he is with Lescott.
He was absolutely brilliant last season and that is not overhyping him. Maybe he was more suited to the previous system but he does look a shadow of his former self this season but so does Yaya to me (even though his finishing has seemingly shot up).

Know this isn't the Yaya thread but he would bully the opposition in midfield last season, this season everyone seems to dribble past him with ease.
city91 said:
kippaxchris said:
city91 said:
Vinny was going towards goal though with the striker breathing down his neck and Nastasic was clearly trying to take the ball out of the danger zone. Remember the howler against Chelsea where people blamed Nastasic and said he should of too it away from goal? well he tried to help a team mate and do that last night but still somehow gets the blame.

It was a completely different situation and that was down to Hart not Nasty but he could have injured Vinnie last night

Vinny could have injured himself by not letting Nastasic deal with it. What it did show is that Vinny is not as comfortable with Nasty as he is with Lescott.

Doesn't look like Vinny particularly likes playing with Nastasic. Speculation, of course, but it's the impression I get. Seems to be very little understanding or communication between them.
Last year he played lights out, was confident and his play showed it. Give him a string of games to build the confidence back up, have Pellegrini talk him up in a press conference to motivate him and show him some support. Get the fact out that he has a future in the club if he puts his game back together and give him every chance to prove it. Was one of the top youngsters in the game last year, so short sighted some people.
Got caught out last night because he favours controlling a ball with the sole of his boot, taking the bunce out of it and placing it a yd n half infront of him at the same time....trouble was he's nearer to the opposition nowadays and Chelsea winded it. Mystifyingly after getting his pocket pinched he carried on with the sole of his boot control (whilst leaning back)...weight transference one way with the ball still faintly rolling the other is a recipe for a f8ck up...Joe hart would often run away from the ball perhaps in the pretext to some extra purchase....with an attacker moving in, he got away with it...i'd love to ask him does he not at 6ft whatever feel he can punt a ball half the length of the pitch without rfirst feeling the need to run away from it

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