Maximum Wage Law - Corbyn

In a way though he has a point more money than sense some people they buy 5 cars FFs they can only drive one 15 bedroom 6 bathroom houses then paying money in off shore accounts avoiding paying tax their greedy bastards the lot of them no one and I repeat no one needs 5 million pound a year to live on never mind 20/30 /40 million I know I'm going to get slated after this but don't give a shite I do BELIVE he has a point.
We are talking a law here though, who decides the pay bands? Who decides what percentage each band gets? At the end of the day it couldn't be legislated for so you are left with the company deciding pay rises, back to square one.

I think it'd take more than an hour of discussion on bluemoon to come up with a full policy. Though ironically it sounds like Jeremy Corbyn has given it even less though than that to be honest. All im saying is that it's possible to look at salary ratios without it necessarily meaning that people who are underperforming are rewarded for other people's efforts.
What nonsense. What about performance, just because someone gets a pay rise everyone else should not get the same one, even if they are shite. Everyone performs differently to different levels. Pay should refelect individual performance not because of how someone else has performed.

What you and Jezza are missing is that the extra 400k the company pays to the CEO means an extra 200k in the pot for schools hospitals, benefits etc. You are too busy focusing on envy and not practicality and the wider benefits.

Link it to mean and median pay rather than minimum then.

I'm far from a jezza fan.

Increasing base wages from £16k to £24k would take all of those staff off working tax credits, enable them to save for a house, freeing up social housing, etc.

Why would they get less? It's the law you would have to pay them 24k or not give the pay rise, which is likely in that scenario?

Likelihood would be a grey area between your black and white where the CEO gets an extra £25k and the cashiers get a £500 pay rise.
You could counter this by applying the ratio to total amounts paid across a pay band rather than from person to person. i.e. total director salaries vs total shop floor salaries. It's unlikely a company would be delivering good results and a CEO be worthy of a huge pay increase if their entire shop floor was shite. The associated pay increases lower down the chain could then be applied to and given to those seen as more deserving.

What if the CEO has sacked all the workers and outsourced production to China? The average salary of the UK employees has shot up, because all of the low paid people have been laid off. And profits have soared. Since the average pay has gone up dramatically, and in line with record profits, the CEO can have a 50% pay increase in line with this.

Presumably you'd be in favour? (Not).
It's sad that you think that mate.

My former local MP - Steve Webb - is absolutely anything but. He's a thoroughly top bloke and someone I admire a lot, even though he's a Lib Dem and I am a Tory. Steve is passionate about doing everything he can to make Britain a better place to live and to do what he can for the local community. He lost his seat and has been replaced by Luke Hall, who so far seems to have similar aspirations.

In many ways, I'd love to be an MP myself. Yes, there are a few tossers in the 600+ I am sure, but in the main, they are all decent, hard-working and principled people. That a sizeable proportion of the public should have the same views as you (and I believe they do) is a terrible shame. And by the way, you are wrong, because they aren't all ****s.
It was tongue in cheek bud. I've met a few at local level and the odd one at parliament level that I thought quite highly of, there does seem to be a correlation with cuntishness the higher up the ladder you go though.
I think it'd take more than an hour of discussion on bluemoon to come up with a full policy. Though ironically it sounds like Jeremy Corbyn has given it even less though than that to be honest. All im saying is that it's possible to look at salary ratios without it necessarily meaning that people who are underperforming are rewarded for other people's efforts.
Are we at 'peak' Corbyn or do you think there is more fun to come?
Increasing base wages from £16k to £24k would take all of those staff off working tax credits, enable them to save for a house, freeing up social housing, etc.

... and bankrupt the company and put them all out of work.
I think it'd take more than an hour of discussion on bluemoon to come up with a full policy. Though ironically it sounds like Jeremy Corbyn has given it even less though than that to be honest.
He should have gone on Arsenalmania, plenty of economics wizards on there...
In a way though he has a point more money than sense some people they buy 5 cars FFs they can only drive one 15 bedroom 6 bathroom houses then paying money in off shore accounts avoiding paying tax their greedy bastards the lot of them no one and I repeat no one needs 5 million pound a year to live on never mind 20/30 /40 million I know I'm going to get slated after this but don't give a shite I do BELIVE he has a point.

I don't think greed is new to anyone on here but the thread is about capping high wages and like your post it shows more about envy than anything else. I'm glad a rich bloke is buying 5 cars rather than one, or a bottle of stupidly expensive champagne. At least your getting some tax out of him.

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