Maximum Wage Law - Corbyn

Are we at 'peak' Corbyn or do you think there is more fun to come?

Maybe he's having a laugh, trying to see how inept and stupid he can act before the party completely snaps? I hear his next announcement is to eliminate unemployment by raising the school leaving age to 42.
"According to several non-profit groups, shareholders are fundamentally unable to rein in excessive pay at the biggest companies."

The FT

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May will outline plans this fall to clamp down on “excessive” executive pay, after one of her lawmakers last week criticized high compensation levels for FTSE 100 bosses as “socially divisive.”


"The average pay for chief executives of firms in the FTSE 100 index is now 144 times that of the UK's average salary, says the High Pay Centre.


Excessive executive pay has hurt public trust in business….

Excessive boardroom pay risks undermining public trust in big business, the accountancy regulator has said in a report calling for a concerted effort to increase trust in the way that companies are run.

The Guardian

MPs Launch inquiry into soaring executive pay...

Parliamentary committee will look at whether government should have power to curb remuneration

The Week

There are articles in the Economist, the Times, the Telegraph and many more on the evils of excessive executive pay, but of course, it's just Jeremy and his envious Trots.

For those who can't be arsed to do any research at all and are content to bleat reactionary platitudes. Excessive executive pay way beyond anything justifiable in terms of performance is theft, it is stealing money from the company that should be paid, at the very least, to the investors in that company, and it is stealing from its workers by taking an unjustifiable slice of "value added" that the workforce has contributed to the success of the company and the executive has not.
I don't think greed is new to anyone on here but the thread is about capping high wages and like your post it shows more about envy than anything else. I'm glad a rich bloke is buying 5 cars rather than one, or a bottle of stupidly expensive champagne. At least your getting some tax out of him.


Another point lost on "the bitters" is that rich people (I am talking multi-millionaires, not salaried employees) often CHOOSE how much tax to pay. They choose how much to pay themselves in salary vs dividends and they choose where and when to pay it. If tax rates are low, then they will say fair enough and pay their taxes here in the UK. If the tax rates are too high, they move their profits offshore and pay tax in a country where the rates are lower. Putting up higher rate taxes, reduces tax revenues as people decide not to pay it.

Another point lost on "the bitters" is that rich people (I am talking multi-millionaires, not salaried employees) often CHOOSE how much tax to pay. They choose how much to pay themselves in salary vs dividends and they choose where and when to pay it. If tax rates are low, then they will say fair enough and pay their taxes here in the UK. If the tax rates are too high, they move their profits offshore and pay tax in a country where the rates are lower. Putting up higher rate taxes, reduces tax revenues as people decide not to pay it.

I don't think anyone had mentioned tax...
Maybe he's having a laugh, trying to see how inept and stupid he can act before the party completely snaps? I hear his next announcement is to eliminate unemployment by raising the school leaving age to 42.

His leadership of the Labour Party is as frustrating and entertaining as watching my dad trying to book a holiday on the iPad.
Maybe he's having a laugh, trying to see how inept and stupid he can act before the party completely snaps? I hear his next announcement is to eliminate unemployment by raising the school leaving age to 42.
I thought the best one was to build new trident subs but not let them carry the nuclear missiles.
Link it to mean and median pay rather than minimum then.

I'm far from a jezza fan.

Increasing base wages from £16k to £24k would take all of those staff off working tax credits, enable them to save for a house, freeing up social housing, etc.

Likelihood would be a grey area between your black and white where the CEO gets an extra £25k and the cashiers get a £500 pay rise.

So the cashier has gained nothing because in your system the company would have to decide what they wanted to pay the cashiers first, so they get no more and the CEO goes elsewhere, and the taxpayer gets less dosh from the CEO wages,whatever scenario you come up with it is flawed, just accept it.
"According to several non-profit groups, shareholders are fundamentally unable to rein in excessive pay at the biggest companies."

(a) The FT

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May will outline plans this fall to clamp down on “excessive” executive pay, after one of her lawmakers last week criticized high compensation levels for FTSE 100 bosses as “socially divisive.”

(b) Bloomberg

"The average pay for chief executives of firms in the FTSE 100 index is now 144 times that of the UK's average salary, says the High Pay Centre.

(c) The BBC

Excessive executive pay has hurt public trust in business….

Excessive boardroom pay risks undermining public trust in big business, the accountancy regulator has said in a report calling for a concerted effort to increase trust in the way that companies are run.

(d) The Guardian

MPs Launch inquiry into soaring executive pay...

Parliamentary committee will look at whether government should have power to curb remuneration

(e) The Week

There are articles in the Economist, the Times, the Telegraph and many more on the evils of excessive executive pay, but of course, it's just Jeremy and his envious Trots.

For those who can't be arsed to do any research at all and are content to bleat reactionary platitudes. Excessive executive pay way beyond anything justifiable in terms of performance is theft, it is stealing money from the company that should be paid, at the very least, to the investors in that company, and it is stealing from its workers by taking an unjustifiable slice of "value added" that the workforce has contributed to the success of the company and the executive has not.

(a) May is a clown
(b) So what
(c) So what
(d) An enquiry followed by a decision to not do anything about it
(e) Stealing money from the people who agreed that it should be taken from them? Right. Jeremy and his envious Trots? Yes, I agree about that.
I don't think greed is new to anyone on here but the thread is about capping high wages and like your post it shows more about envy than anything else. I'm glad a rich bloke is buying 5 cars rather than one, or a bottle of stupidly expensive champagne. At least your getting some tax out of him.
Not envy just the wage structure for the low paid and the high paid is so vast and I'm not blaming people who gets paid it as the majority of people wouldn't turn it down if it was offered to them but I feel he has a point

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