Media bias against City

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MUEN are at it again with Micah allegedly telling Delph not to join us.
MUEN are at it again with Micah allegedly telling Delph not to join us.

Richards said: "It's tough isn't it? If he's got guarantees to play... He's been unbelievable for Aston Villa.

"Every player wants to play at the highest level. If he's going to be playing Champions League... I don't know, but if he's going there to be a squad player, then no.

"James Milner has played six or seven positions and still wanted to leave.

"So if he gets assurances he's going to play then the decision is his. I wouldn't say don't go to Manchester City, because if he's playing well he could play.

"If you're good enough you'll play.

"It's just being given that chance. If he (City manager Manuel Pellegrini) is going to give him the chance to play then it's hard to turn down the chance of playing Champions League football.

"To be fair he has asked me what I think about the situation. I told him I can't comment to be honest.

"I don't want to say go there and then he (Pellegrini) doesn't play him - he'll be ringing me up afterwards!"
I'm not an agenda-ist as such (except when it comes to FFP), but there's clearly a media bias against the club. Just posted this in the Sterling thread, but relevant here:

Ric can you name the journo and paper please? At least the paper?

It not publicly via pm? Please?

I don't want to inadvertently buy a paper, or give them clicks online, that is so determined to push a negative narrative about my club.

Please mate. It would be in confidence if you so wish.
So do not tell him face to face just put it in newspaper.
edit.. I was referring to Richards.

Interestingly The Times ran the same story this morning. Richards adds, "people think (Pellegrini) doesn't like English players, but it's nothing to do with that. If you're good enough, you'll play."
Now I wouldn't expect the Daily Mail to put in a comment which adds a bit of balance but you would think that Manchester's own newspaper might.

Or maybe not.
Interestingly The Times ran the same story this morning. Richards adds, "people think (Pellegrini) doesn't like English players, but it's nothing to do with that. If you're good enough, you'll play."
Now I wouldn't expect the Daily Mail to put in a comment which adds a bit of balance but you would think that Manchester's own newspaper might.

Or maybe not.

Richards conveniently forgets to mention the fact that he looks fitter and leaner than he has done in years. Maybe if he had applied more discipline to his physical fitness at City he may still be there now...
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