Media bias against City

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This time last year we had MUFC being touted as world beaters simply because of a few friendly wins in USA. Great for paper sales and Sky viewing but did anyone other than their supporters really believe it ?. Certainly not the betting pages of Sky or The Racing Post where hard headed punters place their hard earned cash for potential reward.

Seemingly the commercial side of ADUG is progressing nicely with partnerships and sponsorship from many quarters helping to make our finances approach profitability so certainly the sponsors are understandably not influenced by any skewed media reporting preferring to note how well Etihad Airways are doing following their global exposure with City.

As Ric mentions FFP was a determined effort by a cartel of clubs to initially prevent then delay our business plan to compete with the best clubs in Europe and of course the PL. Apart from having a massive following the cartel also had a PR capability that was able to collectively influence most media businesses with their skew about our owners fitness to compete at their level.

I think we have to get used to the fact that despite overcoming FFP with a magnificent Business Plan there is bound to be spillover from the anti City agitation that powerful clubs hoped to undermine the plans of our more powerful owner.

How far this media bias extends and how long it will last I am sure this thread will continue to argue about.
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Ray Houghton just said on talkshit "I don't know what City are playing at" in regards to why we haven't made a third bid for Sterling. But if we put in a 50m bid we would probably be accused of buying the league again. Can't win either way.
Ray Houghton just said on talkshit "I don't know what City are playing at" in regards to why we haven't made a third bid for Sterling. But if we put in a 50m bid we would probably be accused of buying the league again. Can't win either way.

Did you hear it when he ask the question 'who have city got in terms in creativity apart from Toure, Aguero and silva'? Are Nasri and Navas goal keepers or something? Ray Houghton played professional football but his knowledge of the game is zero.
Ray Houghton just said on talkshit "I don't know what City are playing at" in regards to why we haven't made a third bid for Sterling. But if we put in a 50m bid we would probably be accused of buying the league again. Can't win either way.

He also said we have to pony up the £50M if we want to prove we are a big club. It's shocking that a national radio station is spouting stuff straight from the Liverpool PR team.
Big clubs keep their best players and big clubs buy others best players.

Liverpool fail on both those Raymundo!
Ray Houghton just said on talkshit "I don't know what City are playing at" in regards to why we haven't made a third bid for Sterling. But if we put in a 50m bid we would probably be accused of buying the league again. Can't win either way.
liverpool not the player are the greedy bastards here, not one person ,fan ,player ,pundit,thinks he is worth 50 mill,greedy fuckers why are they not called out for it ,? ps dont need the answer
I never used to go for this 'agenda' stuff but I'm in agreement now that the majority of the media consistently tries to undermine and paint any news relating to us in a negative light. What surprises me even more is the coverage and column inches that Liverpool seem to be able to generate. It's impossible not see their ex-players being quoted at every they must have far more ex-players working for the English-speaking media than any other team. They even have more than The Rags. Speaking of whom, apparently K-HR at Bayern has told the press that Sweinsteiger "is flattered" by Yoo-nited's interest in him. If it was us, Rumenigge would be slating us left, right and centre and belittling us.
I heard Houghton on the radio!
He said only one (small) positive thing about us, and that was we'd be a good club for him (which most of his mates have opposed).

The rest was laughable. He argued that the way business works is that the selling club state the price they want, and then a club decides to pay it or walk away. Completely ignorant of a club making an offer and the selling club can make a decision of their own!

It might have been Matterface with him (not certain) who at least argued 'why should City pay 50m if he's not worth it?' - at least someone's got a brain.

As bad as it was, Houghton was one of the milder ex- Liverpool pros. Macateer this morning was bordering on libelous (just the right side of it).
As much as I'd love them to stay affiliated with the club in some capacity when they retire, we might be able to make a tiny dent in the agenda if Vinnie and Pablo enter punditry. Seems to be a contractual obligation for the dippers unfortunately.
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