Media bias against City

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Signing Sterling would be a major step in rebuilding our reputation over English players.

We would have arguably the two best English players (Hart and Sterling) in both our and England's starting 11. England's hopes would not rest on the mediocrity of Liverpools Henderson and Lallana or Uniteds Jones and Young. Players with Sterlings and Harts stature would be impossible to ignore.

I've always felt that regardless of how many English players we had, the press and the FA still had it in for us. At one point we had Hart, Johnson, Barry, Milner, Lescott and Richards all eligible for England and playing in our title winning season. Yet only Hart and Barry were guaranteed starters. There is no logical explanation as to why Kyle Walker, Ashley Young and Phil Jagielka was keeping Richards, Milner and Lescott out of the team. It certainly was not based on form.
sometimes saying absolutely nothing to the cheap shots from the press and ex Liverpool players is better than replying to them.
we keep our dignity, they look like bitter bastards, we take the higher ground.
It has not been challenged by anyone, press or presenters alike, never mind anyone associated with City. It is now received wisdom in the media that Sterling would be making a mistake moving to City. I'm not aware of a single journalist who's suggested it would be a good move for him. It would be astonishing in any other area of sports for such a view to subsist so commonly, given all that City can offer.

I accept our PR machine is lacking and have posted as such.

Do you accept that the way the Sterling and Clyne situations have been reported is wholly different? and if so, why do you think that is?

See that is a blatant lie. John Terry of all people was in the Mirror saying how the motivation was moving to play Champs league football and the Metro had a piece saying how Sterling is underpaid and a move to City, champs lge football and playing with our players would improve him.

If our signing of young english players is viewed differently to Liverpool it is because the two clubs have completely contrasting transfer policies due to our positions.

Players like Jordan Ibe, Sterling, Flanaghan, Shelvey would not have been given the same first team opportunities at City like they have had at Liverpool due to differing expectations. For players like Clyne and similarly Kane, Mason at Spurs those clubs are good staging posts for their development.
Signing Sterling would be a major step in rebuilding our reputation over English players.

We would have arguably the two best English players (Hart and Sterling) in both our and England's starting 11. England's hopes would not rest on the mediocrity of Liverpools Henderson and Lallana or Uniteds Jones and Young. Players with Sterlings and Harts stature would be impossible to ignore.

I've always felt that regardless of how many English players we had, the press and the FA still had it in for us. At one point we had Hart, Johnson, Barry, Milner, Lescott and Richards all eligible for England and playing in our title winning season. Yet only Hart and Barry were guaranteed starters. There is no logical explanation as to why Kyle Walker, Ashley Young and Phil Jagielka was keeping Richards, Milner and Lescott out of the team. It certainly was not based on form.
England caps in the last twenty years have been more & more about PR & shirt sales, to his credit I think Woy has started to change that & pick less fashionable players. You're right, there's no credible reason why Lescott, Barry, Richards & Milner were repeatedly overlooked when they were playing at their peak for the champions.

In addition the amount of players who simply had to be in the 1st team squad at the rags & Liverpool arse & spuds to get an England cap was baffling
It has not been challenged by anyone, press or presenters alike, never mind anyone associated with City. It is now received wisdom in the media that Sterling would be making a mistake moving to City. I'm not aware of a single journalist who's suggested it would be a good move for him. It would be astonishing in any other area of sports for such a view to subsist so commonly, given all that City can offer.

I accept our PR machine is lacking and have posted as such.

Do you accept that the way the Sterling and Clyne situations have been reported is wholly different? and if so, why do you think that is?

In agreement with you GDM.

Just spotted a solitary journalist giving Sterling some support. Ollie Holt in the Fail:

Sure, Sterling could have been more tactful in his dealings with Liverpool. Maybe he could have disguised the fact that he wanted to leave. Maybe he could have been more cute. But maybe he figures, why bother? It has to be that way if you’re going to make it like he has. If you’re going to play for one of the top clubs in the Premier League and the England team, then you’re going to have to sacrifice most of your youth for it.

Again, you won’t find anybody offering any sympathy for that. Nor should they. Just don’t expect these young men to play nice when they make decisions about their future. Sterling has no roots in Liverpool. He has no real emotional attachment to the club or the city. The media and the fans demand that attachment but the hard truth is that it’s an unrealistic expectation.

Sure, feel sympathy for the fans who take a player to their hearts, who idolise him and dream of him being the inspiration for a renaissance at their club. But don’t blame the player if he’s ruthless when someone offers him the chance to move on. It’s the way the system made him.
See that is a blatant lie. John Terry of all people was in the Mirror saying how the motivation was moving to play Champs league football and the Metro had a piece saying how Sterling is underpaid and a move to City, champs lge football and playing with our players would improve him.

If our signing of young english players is viewed differently to Liverpool it is because the two clubs have completely contrasting transfer policies due to our positions.

Players like Jordan Ibe, Sterling, Flanaghan, Shelvey would not have been given the same first team opportunities at City like they have had at Liverpool due to differing expectations. For players like Clyne and similarly Kane, Mason at Spurs those clubs are good staging posts for their development.
I'm trying to engage with you and you accuse me of lying. I previously prefaced what I said with 'as far as I'm aware'.

You can get fucked. Don't bother replying.
On a lighter note! Anyone spotted any journalists paying tramps to get a Delph tattoo & pose for a disappointed picture yet?
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