Media bias against City

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Sadly I think you're wrong there Frank. She made those comments in the Sun, I doubt the people who read it are intelligent enough to see the truth or that they'll even want to. They'll be happy to go along with the perception that we are buying the league with our dirty oil money. A train of thought not uncommon amongst fans of other clubs.

Not the first time she's done it either. She came out with an almost identical pile of spiteful shit about a year ago. Can't look for it without subscribing to the Sun unfortunately
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I think what grinds most of our gears is that these people are paid a great deal of money to offer their considered opinions on the game, but rather than do that, instead they think and talk like supporters. It shows a complete lack of respect for their (lucrative) contracts.

Savage, like Dublin and Phil Neville before him, made these predictions because it's what they want to happen, rather than something they've actually given any meaningful thought to. It's that complete lack of professionalism that pisses me off. People who are well rewarded should respect that and respect the job they are supposed to do. That's what annoys me more than anything; an inability to be objective and fair when that is what they are, ostensibly, paid handsomely to do. It's why I'm always prepared to defend Gary Neville; he might secretly despise City, but it doesn't reflect in his output. Any criticism from him towards City is well thought out and considered and therefore worthy of merit. Nobody should mind criticism if it is well reasoned and fair.

I just can't stand people being rewarded for doing a job so poorly and in such an unprofessional manner. They have no respect for their contract and no respect for themselves.

I think fans of sport in general get caught up way too much in the opinions of the media. You have valid points and in a vacuum you are 100% correct but what people don't fully comprehend is that these people are actually just shills of the media and not truly there to provide legitimate pure analysis. These guys are paid handsomely to do exactly what they're doing and that's grabbing attention. Attention keeps the $$ flowing into the company. We're the punching bags right now. It's a safe and easy play to the majority of their base. We're causing a schism in the English game and it's uncomfortable for traditionalists so bashing city appeases this base. These corporations know exactly what they're doing. I kinda like being the bad guy anyway. Just enjoy the position we're in and gain solace in the fact that we're winning right now and they aren't happy about it. Just laugh these shills off and enjoy the ride I'd say.
I think fans of sport in general get caught up way too much in the opinions of the media. You have valid points and in a vacuum you are 100% correct but what people don't fully comprehend is that these people are actually just shills of the media and not truly there to provide legitimate pure analysis. These guys are paid handsomely to do exactly what they're doing and that's grabbing attention. Attention keeps the $$ flowing into the company. We're the punching bags right now. It's a safe and easy play to the majority of their base. We're causing a schism in the English game and it's uncomfortable for traditionalists so bashing city appeases this base. These corporations know exactly what they're doing. I kinda like being the bad guy anyway. Just enjoy the position we're in and gain solace in the fact that we're winning right now and they aren't happy about it. Just laugh these shills off and enjoy the ride I'd say.
I do enjoy the ride. Hugely and more than many I'd hazard.

You have failed to appreciate, quite possibly because you are American (not a criticism), that Savage, Dublin and (formerly) Phil Neville are/were employed by the BBC, a 'public service broadcaster', funded by licence fee payers like me. I pay their wages and as such am perfectly entitled to comment upon their shortcomings as pundits, especially when it entails thinly veiled bias against my club, at my expense.

I too enjoy being extraneous to the established order, and I certainly don't want any shameful levels of fawning pointed in our direction, but being on the outside looking in won't stop me calling a cockroach a **** when I feel it's justified.
Why do these people insist on saying 'oil' money as if it is somehow tainted, in the same bracket as say mafia money or kiddie porn? Do all these people refuse to drive cars if it is so evil? Racism, pure and simple.
I think what grinds most of our gears is that these people are paid a great deal of money to offer their considered opinions on the game, but rather than do that, instead they think and talk like supporters. It shows a complete lack of respect for their (lucrative) contracts.

Savage, like Dublin and Phil Neville before him, made these predictions because it's what they want to happen, rather than something they've actually given any meaningful thought to. It's that complete lack of professionalism that pisses me off. People who are well rewarded should respect that and respect the job they are supposed to do. That's what annoys me more than anything; an inability to be objective and fair when that is what they are, ostensibly, paid handsomely to do. It's why I'm always prepared to defend Gary Neville; he might secretly despise City, but it doesn't reflect in his output. Any criticism from him towards City is well thought out and considered and therefore worthy of merit. Nobody should mind criticism if it is well reasoned and fair.

I just can't stand people being rewarded for doing a job so poorly and in such an unprofessional manner. They have no respect for their contract and no respect for themselves.

GDM that is more than deserving of a pint of Zinfandel ;) Perfect summary.
My views are very much aligned with those of GDM - he expresses them far more eloquently and succinctly than I could ever hope to do.

Despite a lot of interaction and insight and opinion in this thread, I am still unable to grasp the fundamental question - Why?

It is beyond doubt that what is happening in Manchester in terms of regeneration and investment is incredible. In parallel, we are bringing some of the very best talent to the Premier League - a for-profit entertainment business - and in so doing playing football of the highest quality and entertainment value. We have a stadium and provide a match-day experience for home fans and visitors that is without parallel. And we play the game with an integrity that reflects the values of Manchester City Football Club and we are building a production line of young and emerging football talent that will benefit both ourselves and the broader game in general.

So I ask myself - why the disdain, and why the continual drip-drip-drip of negativity? Why?
Why do these people insist on saying 'oil' money as if it is somehow tainted, in the same bracket as say mafia money or kiddie porn? Do all these people refuse to drive cars if it is so evil? Racism, pure and simple.

My views are very much aligned with those of GDM - he expresses them far more eloquently and succinctly than I could ever hope to do.

Despite a lot of interaction and insight and opinion in this thread, I am still unable to grasp the fundamental question - Why?

It is beyond doubt that what is happening in Manchester in terms of regeneration and investment is incredible. In parallel, we are bringing some of the very best talent to the Premier League - a for-profit entertainment business - and in so doing playing football of the highest quality and entertainment value. We have a stadium and provide a match-day experience for home fans and visitors that is without parallel. And we play the game with an integrity that reflects the values of Manchester City Football Club and we are building a production line of young and emerging football talent that will benefit both ourselves and the broader game in general.

So I ask myself - why the disdain, and why the continual drip-drip-drip of negativity? Why?
Because the vast majority of pundits and journalists have ties to the clubs whose status we threaten.
Sunday people today reporting that city have been asking various news outlets why thingymajig is quoted at 36 mil where as Stirling is 49 mil. Their response, "what's it got to do with city what United pay?" well that wasn't the question you dumb fucks.
They then proceeded to say that any future reports will feature the higher fee.
Karren Brady, vice-chairman of West Ham United FC, is using her column in The Sun to show her bitterness towards us today.

Apparently, 'after a recent rule amendment friendly to zillionaires, Sheikh Mansour can now spend what oil-well earnings he likes - and he did just that in huge transfers, plus skyscraper wages.'

She still refers to us as the noisy neighbours as well. Thought we had lost that slur a while back.

Given the fact she has been arrested numerous times with corruption allegations, the West Ham stadium gig, and having porn barons as fellow owners I would have thought she would keep her head down. Hope we tell her she is not welcome when they visit.
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