Media bias against City

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I do enjoy the ride. Hugely and more than many I'd hazard.

You have failed to appreciate, quite possibly because you are American (not a criticism), that Savage, Dublin and (formerly) Phil Neville are/were employed by the BBC, a 'public service broadcaster', funded by licence fee payers like me. I pay their wages and as such am perfectly entitled to comment upon their shortcomings as pundits, especially when it entails thinly veiled bias against my club, at my expense.

I too enjoy being extraneous to the established order, and I certainly don't want any shameful levels of fawning pointed in our direction, but being on the outside looking in won't stop me calling a cockroach a **** when I feel it's justified.
Very good. No, I didn't know about the license fee and your stance. Being a 31 year old American, I hate these scumbag, lying, manipulative, self interest media channels. They are out for themselves and not the people. I didn't know these guys were on a channel similar to our PBS.

Fuck them all I say. They can shove it where the sun doesn't shine.
A few years ago or more a rag u18 side beat an understrength city u18 side 6-1. The Daily Mirror devoted almost a full page inside the back sport page reporting on the game. The headline was "City's future built on sand" with a reference to our arab owners & the tone of the report was United had a brighter future than City on the evidence of this one result. The reporter raved about the star of the show Larnell Cole who scored a hat-trick. I believe he is now a big star in Fulham's reserve side. I wonder if the Daily Mirror will run a similar story after our u14's demolishing their u14's 9-0. I don't know the DM reporter was who ran the story. Most likely that rag lover David McDonnell.
A few years ago or more a rag u18 side beat an understrength city u18 side 6-1. The Daily Mirror devoted almost a full page inside the back sport page reporting on the game. The headline was "City's future built on sand" with a reference to our arab owners & the tone of the report was United had a brighter future than City on the evidence of this one result. The reporter raved about the star of the show Larnell Cole who scored a hat-trick. I believe he is now a big star in Fulham's reserve side. I wonder if the Daily Mirror will run a similar story after our u14's demolishing their u14's 9-0. I don't know the DM reporter was who ran the story. Most likely that rag lover David McDonnell.
If they do the title should be 'it should of been 10'
Sunday people today reporting that city have been asking various news outlets why thingymajig is quoted at 36 mil where as Stirling is 49 mil. Their response, "what's it got to do with city what United pay?" well that wasn't the question you dumb fucks.
They then proceeded to say that any future reports will feature the higher fee.
That's ironic, really, their reaction. Then the same utter tools link KDB to Thingymajig as two examples of waste of cash. Editorial policies in sports regarding us are print whatever horsesh_t you want!
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A few years ago or more a rag u18 side beat an understrength city u18 side 6-1. The Daily Mirror devoted almost a full page inside the back sport page reporting on the game. The headline was "City's future built on sand" with a reference to our arab owners & the tone of the report was United had a brighter future than City on the evidence of this one result. The reporter raved about the star of the show Larnell Cole who scored a hat-trick. I believe he is now a big star in Fulham's reserve side. I wonder if the Daily Mirror will run a similar story after our u14's demolishing their u14's 9-0.

Shouldn't this dumb woman stick to reality TV programmes?

I honestly can't work out why she would open her fat mouth about another clubs business, it's hardly like we're direct rivals There's also the slight matter of their impending visit to the Etihad. She's hardly going to be welcome after her comments. I thought she was more intelligent than this, but obviously not. Gobbing off in the media for ten minutes in the limelight seems to be her level. She's just Katie Hopkins with a less reputable past.
Not surprised that other clubs execs are laying into us. The Lyon chairman had a go at us recently for no reason. We're like that neighbor who has a new car that everybody hates for no discernable reason.
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