Media bias against City

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Regarding the mini love-in going on just now with Trevor Sinclair, he has just said on TalkShite this very morning that Pep would better suit the rags. I hope he was just being "fair and balanced" with his punditry....

He was fawning so much over the rags way of football tradition on MOTD2 he had to be reminded he was a City fan.
Regarding the mini love-in going on just now with Trevor Sinclair, he has just said on TalkShite this very morning that Pep would better suit the rags. I hope he was just being "fair and balanced" with his punditry....
You must of been listening to something else, he seemed negative towards the rags

Danny murphy was having digs at them all morning and was even saying how he fancied us tonight and heaping praise on our players, bit suprised actually as he surely musn't have been watching us lately.
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Danny Murphy on the whole is a fair pundit with regards to City...

When we talk about Media Bias the below is a good example. It isnt a corporate sponsored bias piece of journalism, it is though a piece by an ex Arsenal player (ex-Arsenal,ex-Manure, ex-Liverpool - dont matter there are lots of them in the media) where the pressure is ratcheted up against City, Keown knows what he is doing, all of the ex players know it when they report on their ex clubs.

The net result of all these little bias' add up to an uphill struggle that City are going to face for the next few years until some of our ex players are "Supporting" us in the media.
Danny Murphy on the whole is a fair pundit with regards to City...

When we talk about Media Bias the below is a good example. It isnt a corporate sponsored bias piece of journalism, it is though a piece by an ex Arsenal player (ex-Arsenal,ex-Manure, ex-Liverpool - dont matter there are lots of them in the media) where the pressure is ratcheted up against City, Keown knows what he is doing, all of the ex players know it when they report on their ex clubs.

The net result of all these little bias' add up to an uphill struggle that City are going to face for the next few years until some of our ex players are "Supporting" us in the media.

There is nothing whatsoever biased in that article. He's just rehashing the same old pub opinion of the entire country: that we have struggled without Kompany this season. It's not an insightful piece but it's just a bog standard off-the-shelf generic cliched opinion. That's why this whole discussion is totally skewed: most of you see bias in any piece that doesn't say "Manchester City are wonderful and will win every game". You see everyone as being a dyed-in-the-wool fan of a club like you are, and from that starting point see bias which isn't there.

When doing that piece Martin Keown will only have cared about how it is perceived and his own career in the media, not Arsenal's result tonight. He won't be daft enough to think that his opinion, tucked away in some corner of the internet, has any bearing whatsoever on tonight's game.
I'm hoping Sinclair is doing it on purpose. Keep telling the rags that Pep is going there. It'll be like leading a kid to believe that they're getting an xbox with a load of games for xmas. Then on Xmas morning, they excitedly unwrap their pressie to discover that it's a 250 piece jigsaw of Brian Riggs.
No media bias then tell me why the press aren't attacking Bryan Riggs at the swamp for his piss poor Machiavellian impersonation at the swamp that even rags are now recognising?

If one of our players was doing it would be back to back news like the story of VK falling out with MP earlier this season.
No media bias then tell me why the press aren't attacking Bryan Riggs at the swamp for his piss poor Machiavellian impersonation at the swamp that even rags are now recognising?

Yes but he's one of the class of 92 and we should never forget all they've done for their country and their continuing and tireless work for gammy children.
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