Media bias - yes that old chestnut

blue underpants said:
I really despair of some people on here when has Tyler ever said he has a soft spot for city everything about the man spits out pure bile against us i dont know or care who he supports the guy is a media up ferguson and man utds arse woman they all are and the sooner we as blues recognise this the better
I agree mate Tyler is a **** and wants twatting
Neil McNab said:
I don't watch a game to hear how good the commentator thinks we are

Neither do I. I'm also human and a City fan and find it annoying when a particular commentator who is supposed to be impartial often runs the club down and struggles to find anything positive to say so I thought I'd make a thread about it. Sorry if that offends you captain sensible.

I've heard of syndromes people get from childhood where a sibling was favoured over them, a balanced individual would surely just watch the game and not give a flying fuck.

Excellent job on sounding like a patronising fuckwit *thumbs up*
Berkovic_blue said:
RyantheBlue said:
Berkovic_blue said:
"So what you're saying is, he's bias if he sounds excited for another club's goal"

No, I clearly said the opposite in the post you have quoted. It's just up there ^ You're either on a wind-up or have trouble with reading comprehension as well as judging tone of voice.

Sod off and listen to the commentary of Aguero's last minute goal and listen to the total lack of excitement in his voice (might be difficult for you?). It's a stark contrast to how he was yesterday and just a mere indicator of his general attitude towards City this season.

I can't even be arsed typing anymore.
Tyler isn't bias against City, it's another conspiracy theory used by City fans to victimise us. He reacted normally yesterday, and there could've been any number of reasons he didn't sound excited with Aguero's goal, maybe he was ill, maybe he didn't have a great day, maybe he had other stuff on his mind, I know you think that they choose how to react to different clubs, i.e be nasty to City because everybody hates us. But actually, they're just people with regular lives, I BET I can find an example of him sounding as excited as yesterday for a CITY goal. Then your argument becomes void.

You don't have a clue what I think, you're just being dismissive based on some inaccurate stereotype of a paranoid blue that you're incorrectly applying to me. I am more than capable of being objective with commentators covering City games. My opinion that Tyler dislikes the club or what we're doing is based on several games this season where he has given far more praise and encouragement of the opposing side. I've even made posts before acknowledging when he has given us praise (see? that busted your little stereotype didn't it) but the balance of his commentary overall has been clearly one way this season.

I'm glad to hear you can't be arsed typing anymore though because I find your posts in this thread to be ill-thought out and offering nothing.

The fact that the thread exists proves that you're part of the stereotype.
RyantheBlue said:
The fact that the thread exists proves that you're part of the stereotype.

Commentator's don't lose game's,co-commentator's don't lose game's,Journalist's don't lose game's,blogger's don't lose game's player's do.We win and win in style and people will eventually come around.We are the biggest scalp now and I love it.
Honestly, read your stuff back.
Tyler dislikes the club and gives clubs more praise than us during our games?

I again wonder what you'd say if I found a few clips of him getting very excited about City goals? Then what? Does it depend on the day, he hates us some days, but he loves us the next?
Shadz69 said:
Commentator's don't lose game's,co-commentator's don't lose game's,Journalist's don't lose game's,blogger's don't lose game's

Getting a bit bored of saying it now but no one is claiming they do because that would be idiotic<br /><br />-- Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:03 pm --<br /><br />
RyantheBlue said:
I again wonder what you'd say if I found a few clips of him getting very excited about City goals? Then what? Does it depend on the day, he hates us some days, but he loves us the next?

Go and find these magical clips, I suggest you start with the QPR, Liverpool and Chelsea games. Find the Villareal one while you're at it.

Stupidly I believed you when you said you weren't going to type anymore
Berkovic_blue said:
Shadz69 said:
Commentator's don't lose game's,co-commentator's don't lose game's,Journalist's don't lose game's,blogger's don't lose game's

Getting a bit bored of saying it now but no one is claiming they do because that would be idiotic

We were the underdog's for a fair few year's I think most neutral's would have been happy for Sunderland and that's fine with me,they soaked up some pressure and still had it in em to get the win.Good luck to them I say.We ain't lickle City any more.Utd get beaten by the relegation fav's and this was more of a shock,it's where to be now.
blue by birth said:
blue underpants said:
I really despair of some people on here when has Tyler ever said he has a soft spot for city everything about the man spits out pure bile against us i dont know or care who he supports the guy is a media up ferguson and man utds arse woman they all are and the sooner we as blues recognise this the better
I agree mate Tyler is a **** and wants twatting

I assume its school in the morning for you ??
Firstly, you didn't offend me because i'm not oversensitive (think perhaps you may be).
Secondly, if anyone sounds like a fuckwit, i would suggest it's person who started a thread critiquing the emotional consistency of the commentary on a game of football.

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