Media Discussion - 2023/24

Ladyman is getting slaughtered in the comments section under his shit article.
But his work is done undermining City's performance, so he won't be arsed about the comments about him. But the fucking Rag will be at the Etihad filling his Rag gob with free drinks and food whilst continuing to steal a living as a journalist.
He is a dipper fan, but still a ****.
Not the worst although I lost any respect after his histrionics at one of Mancini s press conferences and his continuing fawning of the Dippers.
Only Delaney, both Crosses,Ladyman, Herbert ,Ogden, both Harris s, MUEN except Bajowski, Lipton,Wallace,Northcroft,Lawton,Ducker,Jackson,McConnell to go.
Apologies if I've missed any Beano writers out!
No great loss with this fella. Way to far up his own and the dippers arses.
I guess this leaves Martin Samuel as the top man at The Times football / sport now?
We should hire him to positively push and promote our PR. God knows we need it.
You never know with City.

Personally I'd just bring Vinny back to be our official mouthpiece calling everyone corrupt cunts.

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I think Pep was more referring to how much we've grown in this competition, He was giving us a compliment more than anything, We aren't that team anymore that folds in the Champions League.

As for the goals you've mentioned, I genuinely can't believe you're blaming Ortega for both goals, One shot was going wide and took a massive deflection into his far post, The other was literally going straight to him on my for it took a touch off Akanji.

Maybe he should of done a cartwheel and saved Valverde effort also...
I'm not blaming Ortega for the goals in the slightest, I stated the shots troubled him and resulted in goals-the fact they did so because of deflections doesn't make either of those statements untrue?
Flaming Chris Waddle on the BBC website damning us with faint praise as the saying goes:

'You have got to say Manchester City will now be favourites going back to the Etihad, as not many teams get anything from there. They will be confident I'm sure.

Don't write Real Madrid off though, they have players that can hurt you, players that are so unpredictable you don't know what they are going to do.'

Ggggrrrrrr, stupid biased media.

Sorry I lost my temper a little bit there. :-(
No doubt like yourself ,I do get sick of the slating of us and the desire from the press to see us lose against just about anybody.
In this case I think Waddle is just being objective (rather than objectionable, as many 'journalists' are) If we are at our best we should beat them and we should be pretty confident. However it does start level and they are a pretty decent aren't they!
Some people on here (I'm not saying you btw) have us in the Semi Final already, Pep I'm sure won't be thinking that yet!
First sentence is bollocks, there’s no blame attached to Ortega, the first wasn’t even on target and the second was going into his hands, dear me some people.

Is this a joke. He wasn't troubled until both shots took a huge deflection
I didn't say he was at fault I said the shots troubled him, it was the deflections that troubled him-because of them he couldn't stop the goals-not being able to stop a goal is the very fukin definition of being troubled!
Flaming Chris Waddle on the BBC website damning us with faint praise as the saying goes:

'You have got to say Manchester City will now be favourites going back to the Etihad, as not many teams get anything from there. They will be confident I'm sure.

Don't write Real Madrid off though, they have players that can hurt you, players that are so unpredictable you don't know what they are going to do.'

Ggggrrrrrr, stupid biased media.

Sorry I lost my temper a little bit there. :-(
Just Chelsea, Spurs, Palace, Arsenal and Liverpool have got something from going there this season

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