Media Discussion - 2023/24

Just Chelsea, Spurs, Palace, Arsenal and Liverpool have got something from going there this season
I listened on 5 Live and the City loathing from Waddle was extreme. The actual match commentator ( don't recall his name) was actually OK ish.

Don't listen to TNT just watch but as my pic lags, like sound too.
Have mixed feeling about Winter. I think he comes across a pompous **** at times, and his line of questioning at Mancini‘s first presser ‘these sort of people’ was reprehensible, for which I don’t believe he’s apologised.

On the other hand he writes very well and clearly loves the game, to a higher level than most of his peers - on both counts.

Don’t expect he’ll be sweeping the streets anytime soon.
Surprised by that news, as he is one of the better football journalists, but says a lot about the state of the industry. Think he was on a salary of about £400k so guess The Times must be looking to cut costs.

According to a former colleague of mine still in the industry, The Times, and they certainly aren't alone in this, are really having to reign in their spending after the yearly accounts have been perused.
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind ... ;-)
Surprised by that news, as he is one of the better football journalists, but says a lot about the state of the industry. Think he was on a salary of about £400k so guess The Times must be looking to cut costs.

Yeah, they cleared out Tony Evans for sure and I think Gab Marcotti to accommodate Winter's pay cheque in the first place.

Pound to a penny Rudd stays, though.
According to a former colleague of mine still in the industry, The Times, and they certainly aren't alone in this, are really having to reign in their spending after the yearly accounts have been perused.
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind ... ;-)
Let's hope same happens at the Daily Wail - Holt, Ladyman, Grubby Herbert, Raith Al Samwotsisname etc need I go on?! We can but hope.

I noticed since Souness has been ghosting a Saturday column it is a total alternating week Dippers/ Rags lurve in. One of the Red cheek fanboyz clearly writes it for him.
Have mixed feeling about Winter. I think he comes across a pompous **** at times, and his line of questioning at Mancini‘s first presser ‘these sort of people’ was reprehensible, for which I don’t believe he’s apologised.

On the other hand he writes very well and clearly loves the game, to a higher level than most of his peers - on both counts.

Don’t expect he’ll be sweeping the streets anytime soon.

Like many he’s never reported honestly on the CAS verdict & deliberately throws shit at our club whilst never criticising the Dippers. He’s not the worst by a long way & the fact they will still be employed tells you everything about the industry.
Like many he’s never reported honestly on the CAS verdict & deliberately throws shit at our club whilst never criticising the Dippers. He’s not the worst by a long way & the fact they will still be employed tells you everything about the industry.
You’re right that he never criticises Liverpool, but then none of the spineless cunts ever do.

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