Media Discussion - 2023/24

You should care about this 115 agenda as the red cartel have done their job now tarnishing our decade of success with the help of the EPL, turning tens of thousands of potential supporters and sponsors against us with the sad English "no smoke without fire" crap even if we are innocent.
I can only hope that the independent Football Commission is that - Independent (but corruption is everywhere there is money) and the Red cartel lose control. They are even falling foul of it now which is great not generating enough revenue to spend like we do.
The whole point of the charges was to dimish City's winning and it's unfortunately done its job.

No one talking about the potential historic 4 in a row but only of the 115 charges.

Yes part of that is because most of the football media in the UK is dominated by glorified rag and liverpool fanzine writers.

However large part of that is the clubs fault for not being aggressive enough with the media. Spent too many years faffing about trying to get them on our side by being nice to them. Great lot of help that did.

Should have banned the cunts and publically sued them, even if not succesful they'd have thought twice about being a sly twat.

I also am very sceptical about Tolmie's info that we've sent letters out. Think he's been told duff information there. The media today are not holding back in their hatred for us.

Unfortunately in fighting the charges we're employing the best of the best but our media department is like a recent intern graduate level.
I reported the first comment on the latest BBC dig at City, which says we cheated our way to success, as it breaks their rules saying posts should not be defamatory. They replied saying the post was fine. So I posted a comment myself and got this reply:

Unfortunately, we've removed your comment because it broke the house rules
This is the text you wrote:
Why do the BBC allow people to accuse City of cheating, when it clearly breaks the house rules that posts should not be defamatory?
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
"We reserve the right to fail comments which...
Are considered to be off-topic for the discussion or are derailing the discussion onto a different topic."

Could their agenda be any more clear and obvious?

Really interesting you posted that. Reported 6 posts on that thread as defamatory as "why is this allowed, calling the Club cheats when nothing has been proven?" 5 of the 6 were removed yet one was allowed to stay.

So some comments call the club cheats are OK but others are not? It's the inconsistency that pisses me off. Yeah the knuckle draggers on the HYS will never change in their tribalism.
I also am very sceptical about Tolmie's info that we've sent letters out. Think he's been told duff information there. The media today are not holding back in their hatred for us.
Jordan is most definitely holding back

Something has changed where he’s concerned
Another 115 article in the Telegraph ghost written for Spit, it's certainly getting the clicks, they're frothing in the comments section.

All the talk of sending out warning letters was bullshit then, imo.

The club should ban carragher and the telegraph for the club this weekend.

However the club is seemingly all about the longterm and they'll be welcomed and given all the hospitality.

Due to this complete silence with no fighting back in the media, the club has lost in the court of public opinion and it's City fans that then have to deal with the bullshit.
If the club had any self-respect, they wouldn't bother engaging with Carragher after games. Why would a manager and players bother giving Sky interviews if their pundits are going to denigrate their achievements in a newspaper article after?

Fully agree.

However our media department believe in being ultra nice to the media in the hope they'll eventually like us.
Similar happened to me. The current level of "cheats" posts not being removed by the bbc is alarming. City based HYS on bbc is just clickbait. Journalism has long since died

Are comment sections exempt from libel/slander?

Especially when it's moderated?
Really interesting you posted that. Reported 6 posts on that thread as defamatory as "why is this allowed, calling the Club cheats when nothing has been proven?" 5 of the 6 were removed yet one was allowed to stay.

So some comments call the club cheats are OK but others are not? It's the inconsistency that pisses me off. Yeah the knuckle draggers on the HYS will never change in their tribalism.
They don't remove posts that receive a lot of upvote traction.
I've tried, even pointing out the numbers of contraventions on their house rules list. They don't pay it attention because the HYS is gaining traction.
They are just an online tabloid these days.
They don't remove posts that receive a lot of upvote traction.
I've tried, even pointing out the numbers of contraventions on their house rules list. They don't pay it attention because the HYS is gaining traction.
They are just an online tabloid these days.

Great points, never thought about it like that but you are spot on.
Am no dipper fan from from it. But this sort of bollocks is pissing me off.

Dippers bang on about being a istory club yet are happy to ignore the greatest managers they have had like Shankly, Paisley even Dalglish. All with better istory than klopp.

I guess it's not unusual for dippers to forget their istory ;)
Dippers love for klopp even if it means ignoring their history

Joe Fagan did 2 seasons winning 1 league cup, Div 1, European cup & runners in league & European Cup (Heysel) the season after.

Maybe they’ve forgotten that period….. can’t think why…hmmm!

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