Media Discussion - 2023/24

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That idiot also said he's happy with the season. Apparently, winning only the league Cup was "the best we could have hoped for"
Their whole fan base is fucking puddled and delusional.
Well when you look at completely rebuilding their midfield plus a few injuries and things like Diaz’s father being kidnapped - to win a trophy and be right in the thick of the title race for 90% of the time isn’t that bad

Forward to around 20:00 good listen
Thanks for posting. He seemed quick witted ready to defer to people who knew more about some of the charges. With him and others being invited on talksport we may find City fans changing public opinion quicker than the clubs PR media dept have since breaches were announced.
By not admitting or declaring an 'edge'.

He explains it himself here:

He cheated and he knows he did. I guess we could call him a 'sewer rat'. Just like he called us...
"Just look at his face, just look at his face".

A filthy excuse for a human being !!
By not admitting or declaring an 'edge'.

He explains it himself here:

He cheated and he knows he did. I guess we could call him a 'sewer rat'. Just like he called us...
I had a mate at work back in the 1970's that was a British Amateur ping pong champion. Bastard used to give me a 20 point start and then he'd play you with a fcuking frying pan and beat you without dropping a point........he never played me with a normal bat though which of course is a lot smaller, the cheating bastard.......:-)
Similar happened to me. Years and years ago a lad moved in opposite me and got to know each other. Said he wanted to get fit and play a bit of football and could he come to our winter gym classes and 5 a side. No problem, every week he turned up, every session he threw up. Sick rdgularly in the car on way home. Anyway summer came, sessions finished and he said he'd like to keep on getting fit and would I fancy a few games of tennis at the park. No problem that should keep us ticking over fitness wise I thought. I hadn't played tennis since a kid, mainly on the street and occasionally Birchfields park. Well this lad who couldn't do a gym circuit without throwing up, couldn't drive home without throwing up after a few games of 5 a side. Well like you, after 2 weeks of not winning a point never mind a game I said I didn't know you played tennis. Oh he said casuslly, I was a county champion in Ireland when I was younger. Never judge a book by its cover, I never played tennis again and when he was in goal at 5 a side he had to contend with some unorthdox shots, mainly aimed at his balls. All in good fun though. As I said I never played tennis again and he never had any more children;-)
Well when you look at completely rebuilding their midfield plus a few injuries and things like Diaz’s father being kidnapped - to win a trophy and be right in the thick of the title race for 90% of the time isn’t that bad
Sounds like you have been drinking the MSM cool aid.
Poor under invested, over achieving, scouse scallies manage a glorious cup win against all the odds!
It's like a script being read out, season after season.
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