Media Discussion - 2023/24

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It’s now an all out attack by the old school, Red Shirt, Shill, click bait, journalists.(journalists?)

I’ve subscribed. ;-)

What worries me enormously and a few on here have experienced it on their jollies recently, is this constant negativity and fear-mongering leads to confrontations and potentially someone getting seriously hurt or worse...all over something they know little about or should be worrying about.

All because of football tribalism and events off the field, which NONE of us have any influence over whatsoever.

Whilst the media are using these events as cash cows, they have no concern about how this is stoking up opposing fans. And that for me is the most appalling part.

They are acutely aware of how people are reading their articles and the vitriol and nastiness across social media, but do nothing to calm tensions, or in the very least write similar articles about "the other side of the coin".

And that website, with likely millions of viewers, bringing Rob Burrow's sad passing into it, is just, well, there are no words.

Let's say, two lads are in Tenerife on their holidays wearing City shirts, few beers later, a couple of opposing fans start chucking out comments, people respond and react, situations get heated and next minute...potentially a fatality.

And I don't think I'm over-dramatizing either.

The media, papers, reporters, bloggers, hacks, whoever, are fanning these flames but will just stand back and wash their hands of any culpability if something happens...and I'm convinced it will sometime very soon.

"Wasn't us You Honour. All we did was report things. We didn't throw the punches".
The club's original statement was this in 2018 -

“The attempt to damage the Club’s reputation is organised and clear.”

And it still stands today. It's becoming smothering, the constant attacks and being made out to be a pariah club. Most of us just want to watch our team.

The grandstanding from the self-appointed guardians of the game never ceases (the clue is in the shirt colour) Perhaps if they took a step back, rather than diving in on these articles suggesting we intend to 'financially dope' for billions and realised it's contesting badly designed, hastily put together rules from the PL, which is constantly pulled around by it's members to suit their own purposes, then we may get some understanding.

How many changes of FFP/PSR now in the last 18 months? When did these rules come in, just after Newcastle were purchased.

Almost every club is reliant on the broadcast revenues which have stagnated. There's going to be numerous attempts across the league to find a margin, Parish was bringing forward a motion on European qualifiers having more leeway on PSR - Chelsea using inter-group transactions.

All this constant infighting will open the door to another ESL or similar attempt. But instead it's just pile on City and the supporters.
Why are some of our fans ignorant when calling in that talk sh*te - Other clubs money from their success!! ermmm no! Success largely driven by huge investment and coupled with good management - Arsenal - Herbert Chapman enticement (Bank of England Club) / Liittlewoods - giving Shankly a huge war chest / Chelsea's success / Man Utd's success - all with good management as well of course. Pep with City - may not be right but money always wins i free market professional sport why don't we ever articulate this then the league en masse can have a proper debate. To give certain clubs an incorrect 'leg up' by our fans saying they have the money BECAUSE of success damages the arguement massively and is false..Wise up Blues!
Prize monies won must be quite some total, perhaps that’s what we Blues mean
Not to mention CL every year
I am proposing we inaugurate a Liar of the Month award to be given to a journo or poster on X who tells the biggest whoppers about City. Owen Slot is in the lead for June but plenty of time yet. I will ask for nominations with reasons during the last week of each month.
This could turn into a very long thread.
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