Media Discussion - 2023/24

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Just started reading Andy dunce cap's article claiming we're thumbing our noses at the domestic cups. I only made it to the first paragraph but what a spectacularly bad take.

The bald fraud's won 14 trophies at City, including 2 FA Cups, 4 League Cups, 5 Premier League titles, 1 Champions League and 2 Community Shields.

Don't know what God's gift to knitwear has to do to be praised or even treated fairly by the arseholes chasing clicks.

I don’t get how this guys theory holds much water when City have lifted 4 major trophies between the end of May to August. That suggests to me our club goes into each game with the mindset of winning.
Just started reading Andy dunce cap's article claiming we're thumbing our noses at the domestic cups. I only made it to the first paragraph but what a spectacularly bad take.

The bald fraud's won 14 trophies at City, including 2 FA Cups, 4 League Cups, 5 Premier League titles, 1 Champions League and 2 Community Shields.

Don't know what God's gift to knitwear has to do to be praised or even treated fairly by the arseholes chasing clicks.
Peps won the carabou/league cup as many times as ANY OTHER MANAGER.

Is it six times in ten years for City too?

How the fck is that "disrespecting" it.

That goodman prick said that our being out "opened it up" for everyone else.

These journalists/pundits need pulling up for spouting such shite.

Why dont they accuse the dippers of disrespecting the league with just ONE pl title lol.
Most newspapers will have 'fans' writing about the top clubs, and let's face whatever we think about Liverpool, they do have a lot of very keen fans, so it may be that they get more response with the biased articles. So, it's not a 'plant', it's more than likely what the Liverpool fans reading The Telegraph respond to.

I'm loathe to take about a fan base as if it's homogenous, and I know plenty of normal Liverpool fans, but there was an interview once with The Secret Footballer, who used to write in The Guardian. He said he was only given one rule when he started writing; "Don't upset the Liverpool fans".

It's the same most places - I know Sam Lee in The Athletic isn't especially popular here, but I think a lot of City fans think he's got the balance right retaining some scepticism, while mostly writing positive stuff. In comparison, the Liverpool stuff is pretty much Liverpool Echo level, with little complexity or tactical stuff, and more "isn't our new signing brilliant, even though he keeps tripping over his own feet" guff.

ps. on a final note, the "US fledgling company" is a private equity firm which puts money into sports clubs, so it makes no difference when they were formed. They are not selling stuff and building a trading company - they were set up with a pile of cash on day zero to buy stakes in clubs.
Aye Sam Lee gets the balance right. Especially when he called City fans racist earlier this year, or when he hooks up with the WhatsApp group to find out why they hate City, or when he blocks loads of City fans on Twitter for calling out his bollocks.

Meanwhile The Athletic employ the likes of the bloke that writes ‘Gunnerblog’, Andy Mitten and James Pierce to write for our rivals.

In fact every other club gets that kind of writer - we get a brummie rag - but then Lee doesn’t write for blues - he writes for fans of red teams.
It's just a good job it's not the 16th century.
We'd definitely be classed as witches by this country's media, then tried and burnt.
The hate from them goes up a notch every season, but it's becoming clearer that this campaign its going to get toxic

Long may it continue.

This creates the kind of siege mentally that the pisscan would have give both his testicles for.

The idiots in the media never learn ( a bit like Arteta at Arsenal) do not take the fight to Pep. He'll do a number on you and then you'll end up in a psychiatric facility.
Liverpool `Plant` in the Media

Is anyone aware of Chris Bascombe who writes frequently in the football pages of The Telegraph?

He was formerly from the Liverpool Echo and his most prized possession is a signed Liverpool shirt.
He is given exclusivity to write 3/4 times a week on Liverpool.
Not only does he present them in a positive light in most of their affairs but frequently weaves City into his pieces.
In essence he is a Liverpool `plant` in a national broadsheet who is constantly drip feeding a pro Liverpool and anti City narrative, sometimes subtly but nonetheless it is present most of the time as he builds a narrative for LIverpool `fans` to trot out.

In his latest article today about US investment in LFC, he manages to spin a tale of wonderfulness in all things red and still aim negatively at City.

Can one of our financial observers on this forum please explain how a US fledgling company founded only in 2022 called, `Dynasty`, is able able to fund up to £164m to clear LFC`s debts ? And why the media has not covered this aspect?
Bascombe just writes fanzine level drivel.
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Liverpool `Plant` in the Media

Is anyone aware of Chris Bascombe who writes frequently in the football pages of The Telegraph?

He was formerly from the Liverpool Echo and his most prized possession is a signed Liverpool shirt.
He is given exclusivity to write 3/4 times a week on Liverpool.
Not only does he present them in a positive light in most of their affairs but frequently weaves City into his pieces.
In essence he is a Liverpool `plant` in a national broadsheet who is constantly drip feeding a pro Liverpool and anti City narrative, sometimes subtly but nonetheless it is present most of the time as he builds a narrative for LIverpool `fans` to trot out.

In his latest article today about US investment in LFC, he manages to spin a tale of wonderfulness in all things red and still aim negatively at City.

Can one of our financial observers on this forum please explain how a US fledgling company founded only in 2022 called, `Dynasty`, is able able to fund up to £164m to clear LFC`s debts ? And why the media has not covered this aspect?

Football Coverage in The Telegraph and Preferential Treatment Given to LFC

The Telegraph, along with the Times, the Sun, the Guardian and the Observer, stopped sharing print data In December 2019. The Telegraph`s circulation was then 317,817, down from 1.4m in 1980. It has since focused on its subscriber and on-line strategy.

The Telegraph has grown its number of paying subscribers, reporting 586,867 digital subscriptions in December 2022 out of a total of 733,731 subscriptions across print and digital.

The all things LFC football writer, Chris Bascombe, therefore has potentially a wide and significant reach.

It is reasonable to ask how has he gained this privileged position ? And, who pays him - The Telegraph or LFC or a contribution from both ?

He has been allocated a special, focussed role, to generally write positively about Liverpool, negatively about Everton, weave in sleights about City and, when all is not sweetness and light at LFC, sympathetically explain why and how it will soon be better.

Yesterday Bascombe produced a long article on LFC`s cash injection. In essence, FSG and their advisors did not undertake a "search" for investors but talked to a couple of their rich American friends / contacts who then formed a new company in late 2022 which they named, `Dynasty` (yes, some of you may well recall Joan Collins).

The new `Dynasty` came into existence with FSG`s Vice-President as a Senior Advisor to the little company.
Little `Dynasty` has now pumped in up to £164m to clear LFC`s debts for the new Anfield Road extension and their training facility. `Dynasty` has only made one `investment` - yes, just in LFC !

What has LFC chumming up with fellow Americans who just love soccer, got to do with City? The answer is nothing. Yet, this journalist weaved in the following :-

"Questions are bound to be asked if the Dynasty injection is enough in a world of £115 million defensive midfielders and where the wait goes on to see if Manchester City face a reckoning for the 115 charges against them after alleged overspending to gain a competitive advantage. City deny wrongdoing.

There may be an existential question for Liverpool to ponder later if the Premier League becomes awash with state-owned clubs who circumnavigate what increasingly appear to be no more than ceremonial regulations."

This is deliberate and calculated. Is he being paid extra to write this?

He has mentioned £115m for defensive midfielders, presumably Caicedo, without mentioning that Chelsea bought him after Liverpool`s offer of £111m, which Carragher was so excited about, was rejected. However he purposely places City in the same sentence and then goes on to bring up charges and follows on with state-owned clubs.

This is not isolated. Almost every other day there is an article from him which skews the real position and drip feeds an unbalanced and biased opinion into the public consciousness.

It has been much debated previously. Is there anything that can be done about the innuendo, twisting, lies and utter bull shit ?
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Football Coverage in The Telegraph and Preferential Treatment Given to LFC

The Telegraph, along with the Times, the Sun, the Guardian and the Observer, stopped sharing print data In December 2019. The Telegraph`s circulation was then 317,817, down from 1.4m in 1980. It has since focused on its subscriber and on-line strategy.

The Telegraph has grown its number of paying subscribers, reporting 586,867 digital subscriptions in December 2022 out of a total of 733,731 subscriptions across print and digital.

The all things LFC football writer, Chris Bascombe, therefore has potentially a wide and significant reach.

It is reasonable to ask how has he gained this privileged position ? And, who pays him - The Telegraph or LFC or a contribution from both ?

He has been allocated a special, focussed role, to generally write positively about Liverpool, negatively about Everton, weave in sleights about City and, when all is not sweetness and light at LFC, sympathetically explain why and how it will soon be better.

Yesterday Bascombe produced a long article on LFC`s cash injection. In essence, FSG and their advisors did not undertake a "search" for investors but talked to a couple of their rich American friends / contacts who then formed a new company in late 2022 which they named, `Dynasty` (yes, some of you may well recall Joan Collins).

The new `Dynasty` came into existence with FSG`s Vice-President as a senior Advisor. to the little company. It has now pumped in up to £164m to clear LFC`s debts for the new Anfield Road extension and their training facility. `Dynasty` has only made one `investment` - yes, just LFC !

What has LFC chumming up with fellow Americans who just love soccer, got to do with City? The answer is nothing. Yet, this journalist weaved in the following :-

"Questions are bound to be asked if the Dynasty injection is enough in a world of £115 million defensive midfielders and where the wait goes on to see if Manchester City face a reckoning for the 115 charges against them after alleged overspending to gain a competitive advantage. City deny wrongdoing.

There may be an existential question for Liverpool to ponder later if the Premier League becomes awash with state-owned clubs who circumnavigate what increasingly appear to be no more than ceremonial regulations."

This is deliberate and calculated. Is he being paid extra to write this?

He has mentioned £115m for defensive midfielders, presumably Caicedo, without mentioning that Chelsea bought him after Liverpool`s offer of £111m, which Carragher was so excited about, was rejected. However he purposely places City in the same sentence and then goes on to bring up charges and follows on with state-owned clubs.

This is not isolated. Almost every other day there is an article from him which skews the real position and drip feeds an unbalanced and biased opinion into the public consciousness.

It has been much debated previously. Is there anything that can be done about the innuendo, twisting, lies and utter bull shit ?
Keep winning
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