Media discussion - 2024/25

Everyone wants us punished based solely on allegations. haha. Desperate, much?
Some ex player on talk bollocks claiming it would be a disaster for football if we aren't found guilty. He didn't even consider City may be innocent or explain why in his view we are guilty. Like others, he just wants a hanging judge and a kangaroo court to destroy everything the club has achieved. I wonder how he would feel if he was in the dock on some trumped up charge and found guilty to save the government any embarrassment.
Some ex player on talk bollocks claiming it would be a disaster for football if we aren't found guilty. He didn't even consider City may be innocent or explain why in his view we are guilty. Like others, he just wants a hanging judge and a kangaroo court to destroy everything the club has achieved. I wonder how he would feel if he was in the dock on some trumped up charge and found guilty to save the government any embarrassment.
A disaster for football or alternatively we are found innocent, Masters gets the chop, the government take over regulation, the red cunts are no longer pulling the strings and the League as a whole is far more straight forward and fairer to all. The yanks, realising they aren't going to get their own way, stop trying to ruin the game and all fuck off to concentrate on some other sport like sumo wrestling.
A disaster for football or alternatively we are found innocent, Masters gets the chop, the government take over regulation, the red cunts are no longer pulling the strings and the League as a whole is far more straight forward and fairer to all. The yanks, realising they aren't going to get their own way, stop trying to ruin the game and all fuck off to concentrate on some other sport like sumo wrestling.
We can only hope.
It has to break some law. Slander, prejudicing a hearing/trial?
The PM rules say you have to act in good faith to the other clubs. No action was taken when the hateful 8 signed the letter to EUFA wanting us banned before their hearing. No action has been taken about the leaks to the press and no action will be taken against PL clubs who continue to defame and slander us.
Some ex player on talk bollocks claiming it would be a disaster for football if we aren't found guilty. He didn't even consider City may be innocent or explain why in his view we are guilty. Like others, he just wants a hanging judge and a kangaroo court to destroy everything the club has achieved. I wonder how he would feel if he was in the dock on some trumped up charge and found guilty to save the government any embarrassment.

I'd avoid all media for the next few weeks as this will go into overdrive.
I'd avoid all media for the next few weeks as this will go into overdrive.
To be honest, I enjoy watching their hysterical lunatic mouth foaming as they rage over something they haven't the first clue about. If we are cleared it will be even funnier as they go hysterical over a verdict and a summing up they haven't even bothered to read.
The PM rules say you have to act in good faith to the other clubs. No action was taken when the hateful 8 signed the letter to EUFA wanting us banned before their hearing. No action has been taken about the leaks to the press and no action will be taken against PL clubs who continue to defame and slander us.
Never forget this. Eight of our commercial rivals sent a letter to the Judges demanding we should be thrown out of Europe….before our case was even heard. The very definition of bad faith and malice.
A disaster for football or alternatively we are found innocent, Masters gets the chop, the government take over regulation, the red cunts are no longer pulling the strings and the League as a whole is far more straight forward and fairer to all. The yanks, realising they aren't going to get their own way, stop trying to ruin the game and all fuck off to concentrate on some other sport like sumo wrestling.

I hope you last sentence is correct. Any sport the yanks fuck up

Rounders = yanks tried it but it hurt their hands when catch the ball so renamed it baseball.
Rugby = yanks tried it but the tackles hurt them so they renamed it American football with armour.
Hockey = yanks tried it and found the ball hurt them so renamed it ice hockey with body armour.
Golf = yanks tried it but found the British links to hard so invented softer greens and easier clubs with bigger sweet spot.
Bar bollards = found that to hard and renamed it ten pin bowling lol.

You get my point if City lose our football is gone
The media walk all over Manchester City and this is why other club chairmen are allowed to speak and call us cheats, City should have put a stop to the cheat claims straight away and taken court action against anybody calling us cheats.

I do wonder how it can be a fair tribunal with the people on the panel, The Media have done the dirty work for the others, Unless you are from another planet then they have seen the guilty verdict for the past 4 years in the media.
Have Manchester City's media team sat silent on the orders of the owners? who knows, But I will say Manchester City are an easy target, Even talksports have made a shit load of money out of bad-mouthing City.

All I can say is Manchester City have left it to the fans to take the bunt of the cheat claims from right across the board, Yes, Khaldoon Al Mubarak has always claimed our innocents in his interviews, But I would have like him to speak to the Media in the UK and demanded a retracement on the cheats claims or face court proceedings,

Innocent until proven guilty does not apply in modern life in the UK 2024, It's now trial by Social Media and if you don't defend yourself then you are Guilty,
I always come back to Klopp "this is a bad day for football" right after CAS found us NOT GUILTY, we as a club missed the change to go hard in on Klopp and Liverpool on these comments and if we would have then I am sure that more people would have taken our side of things
I always come back to Klopp "this is a bad day for football" right after CAS found us NOT GUILTY, we as a club missed the change to go hard in on Klopp and Liverpool on these comments and if we would have then I am sure that more people would have taken our side of things

Spot on

Once we cleared our name at CAS City held all the cards and should have gone hard on Klopp and others still bad-mouthing us. But I also feel City should have never accepted the £10million fine for not working with Uefa in handing over the accounts on time, This left the door open to still call us cheats and something to hide.

Once the results by CAS were release and cleared City of any wrongdoings we had Uefa and other clubs by the balls.
Just like when City found Liverpool hacking into our account and settled out of court why settle out of court ? If City had been found tapping into Liverpool's account you can bet they would want hard punishment by the Premier League,

Now will it matter if City win the 115 changes, If we do we will just leave it and move on, Everybody will still call us Cheats and say we paid our way out of trouble,

I hope to god that if we win these charges we will go hard on the Premier League and others, We need to show our strength and muscle once and for all, But I will not hold my breath

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