Media discussion - 2024/25

Ever since yesterday the British press, the courageous and truthful Martin Samuel aside, have been dancing on the head of pin to suggest that the corrupt cartel didn’t just get utterly demolished. Their lack of integrity is incredible. I might excuse John Cross from that, because having seen him on SKY last night, I just don’t think he is capable of understanding it, bless.

Tonight on SKY will be interesting. The late night press review is Miguel Delaney and Henry Winter. Delaney, rag schill, well we know he will simply lie as usual. Winter is actually more toxic, because he passes himself off as the free thinking considered academic. But never ever forget him going after Mancini in his first City press conference, demanding to know what due diligence he had done on City’s new owners. Now obviously I am not suggesting that Winter is a racist Islamophobic prick, because I am absolutely sure that he has posed the same due diligence questions to every manager of the cartel clubs and those taken over by American owners. He obviously wouldn’t have just done it at a City press conference, would he, that would be really transparent.

The City letters issued today are great, because it basically says, read the fucking judgement, not your own client media. So let’s see how the cartel schills react to that.

Now issue the damages action, and then sue and bankrupt every one of the lying hacks who have perpetuated this false narrative.
Cross could hardly string two letters together....and winter is a pompous arrogant,entitled snob with a grossly misplaced superiority complex....and he's a casual racist.

If Gary Cook was our media face he'd be eviscerating these bastards in the conferences and waiting for them in the car park afterwards !!
30-40 years ago I might buy a newspaper following a good result for City and read it from back to front with our match report first

If it was a major significant victory (10-1,5-1) then I might buy another newspaper, but if we lost then I might not buy any at all.

I'm sure there were countless supporters who did something similar, but we never knew how many, or indeed how many rags did the complete opposite

Nowadays we do know and that's why the vast majority of media articles are posted for their click bait audience, and more importantly, why so many authors write the version of the truth that their regular subscribers prefer.

It's also far easier to become a journalist and write an article that occasionally stumbles upon the truth, as opposed to a seriously considered and balanced article.

Most pathetic of all it's why we have to tolerate United v City when the alphabet suggests otherwise or Man City v Manchester United, because whilst we might complain, the rags simply won't click the link if it decides them as Man United

Fuck em!
You know, 40 - 50 years ago we didn't have all this bollocks.

Even in the bad old days of hooligans etc, I could get on a train, sit opposite someone, who then clocked my pin badge. It might have been a Chelsea, Villa, Everton or Leeds fan. We'd have a converstion about football. It didn't matter what team it was, what league they were in, fans in them days were educated about the game. Non of this "we're bigger than you" bullshit. Just a converstaion about football in general. Even the write ups in papers by "knowledgable reporters" were well worth a read.

Not anymore.

I hardly know anything about other teams now. I stopped reading/buying papers many moons ago. I deliberately avoid other fans because I know what's coming. It's just a merry-go-round of click bait tossers who have no idea or are just stirring the pot trying to score points.

Fuck'em all.
Its relentless Sly 7pm top story ETH.
Joke of a media outlet.....i know i should know better.
But the PL being handed there arses on s plate must surly be top story regardless of Citys involvement

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