You know, 40 - 50 years ago we didn't have all this bollocks.
Even in the bad old days of hooligans etc, I could get on a train, sit opposite someone, who then clocked my pin badge. It might have been a Chelsea, Villa, Everton or Leeds fan. We'd have a converstion about football. It didn't matter what team it was, what league they were in, fans in them days were educated about the game. Non of this "we're bigger than you" bullshit. Just a converstaion about football in general. Even the write ups in papers by "knowledgable reporters" were well worth a read.
Not anymore.
I hardly know anything about other teams now. I stopped reading/buying papers many moons ago. I deliberately avoid other fans because I know what's coming. It's just a merry-go-round of click bait tossers who have no idea or are just stirring the pot trying to score points.
Fuck'em all.