Media Thread 2017/18

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sick of saying it but ban them. ban all haters from our club. we don't want favouritism, we are not that needy, some are but we are not, we just want a fair whack at how our club is reported on. not a lot to ask.
Spot on Bill. Enough is enough.
Pete the Badge all over again.

"Accidental", "Didn't mean it", "Genuine mistake", Blah, blah, blah.....

I posted this yesterday, these little "mistakes" occur quite a bit...
Match of the Day
2017/18: 23/09/2017

Gary Lineker presents Premier League highlights, including Southampton v Manchester United, West Ham v Tottenham, Leicester v Liverpool and Stoke v Chelsea.

Gary Lineker presents Premier League highlights, including Manchester United's trip to Southampton and West Ham's home clash with Tottenham. Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool head to Leicester, and Stoke host last season's title winners Chelsea.


Had to do a quick double take on iPlayer to see if this featured us thumping Crystal Palace, it does, we're the first on, yet not only do we not get first billing we get no billing at all.
Was watching BBC News channel at 6.30pm when Hugh Ferris was going through the sports news of the day. Gareth Barry's appearance record was obviously highlighted- a breakdown of the clubs he had played for '.... nearly half his appearances were for Villa ( where he was Captain) and then he made a money move to Man City. When more money came in and first team football became less frequent, he chose to go to Everton so he could play regularly....' .
Why mention money? Why not say he came to City to win trophies? The only trophies he won was with us; and when his career is over I'm sure it's what will make him proud.
No BBC bias, my arse!
More fake news. Barry made 175 appearances for us in all competitions...20 more than exactly the same period at Everton. He made 34 league appearances in 2011/12. His lowest tally was 31 league appearances in his last year. In fact he started more games than any other outfield player! Shame the BBC can't use Google.
That's on the back of Henry saying that Aguero is the Prem's only world class striker on Sky last night
I've noticed that happen this season already, after the Mané incident they had one show where everyone was certain it wasn't a red card and another where everyone agreed it had to be a red("PL tonight" not sure when that was shown, probably not prime-time) there seemed to be far more leaning towards it being "harsh" though over the week of coverage they gave it.

Either they are just literally telling each fanbase what they want to hear, just to spark debate and read out tweets of fans or they are just covering their backs with the odd pro City angle(probably at 12am) on the same topics to have a defence against the bias theory. They will have noticed this was picking up steam last season, they even started responding to it.

There is clearly a lot of bias but I do feel we should choose our battles carefully and not make a deal over every little thing or that will play right into their hands.

Plus they might take it out on Pete the badge again "Oh look at this angry tweet... is that you Bertie?" *inset pic of Pete going to the game minding his own business*.
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I'm sure there is a department at the BBC that deals only with airbrushing! We had the same on R2 the other day - Women's season starts up and not a single mention of last year's triple winners. It is so bloody obvious. I'm certain some of these BBC apparatchiks are under instruction to avoid mentioning MCFC or MCWFC under pain of the sack, or they think they will develop some vocal infliction that curtails their broadcasting career in an instant.

The DT have a page on Sergio today - Page 6! Watford are on P4!
Having read the media threads closely over the past few years and the clubs passive response to the reporting so far, may be the fans on blue moon should start a collective initiative to address it. A few fans slagging the media off on social media media platforms in isolation probably does not make much difference. However I believe if a collective initiative can be started with a large majority of city fans on social media platforms, it will make a difference (e.g. BT sports coverage of city now compared to 2 years ago).

Of course starting something like this may take time and effort but I am sure this can be done.

I would be interested in blue moon folk's opinions to see if they would be interested in being part of an online campaign/initiative to address the media reporting on city?

Of course once people are happy to be part of something like this, discussions will be had on what the best way of dealing with it (media coverage of city) should be.
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