Media Thread 2020/21

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Just watching the BBC news and half expecting one of the press pack to ask Biden: 'Mr President don't you think that City's first goal should have been disallowed for offside or any other reason you can think of?'
Meanwhile a report from Northwich shows a City fan playing a big part in his community's flood defences. A BBC reporter approaches him and is told 'Piss off you biased wanker. I dont trust the BBC.'
Well he should have done

I'd have said, "BBC??? Given your reporting on anything City related I'm expecting a Jealous City fan destroys the flood defences built by a combined Liverpool/Manchester United coalition headline.
I'd have said, "BBC??? Given your reporting on anything City related I'm expecting a Jealous City fan destroys the flood defences built by a combined Liverpool/Manchester United coalition headline.
PR staff at the special clubs are working out how to get one of their players in as patron Saint of the flood as Silly Sally prepares her interviews, names omitted so she can add names at the last minute.
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Silly Sally will be snapped up by the Scousers in the future. She will be even more insufferable working for them.
Yeah Sutton. He was shit, continually blowing smoke up villa's arse. After grealish s first touch went straight out of play he began eulogising about him. I'm pretty sure he was watching another game.
How you watching. Box, stick or stream
Given the slim pickings of quality, across the abundance of platforms where any ex-pro with an opinion can jib the punditry gravy train its all about priorities. Surely having a daft carrot cruncher droning on in the background is preferable to a scouser spitting out of your tele.
Ditched subscriptions watching on a stream via tablet. Drawback is smaller screen but saving money, closer to the fridge and can easily step outside for a couple of tokes during a break in play.
Surely he wouldn't lend support to a country which has been lambasted by Amnesty for its shocking human rights record which includes routine killings of citizens, torture, persecution of religious minorities and gay people. After all the fuss made about City's owners!

.... and jails/flogs people for acts of public affection, never mind a bit of dogging !
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