Media Thread 2020/21

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Isn't this the probe that goes back to Rio Ferdinand's phone records which were apparently altered by someone at Vodafone to firm up his alibi in a disciplinary hearing. It looks like it may have been escalated into a bigger story involving other cases. Hopefully none of them relate to City.

I wonder if this had come out after hacking story that went away.
I wonder if this had come out after hacking story that went away.
I don't have a Times subscription so I can't read it. I suspect the background is that players and their agents have been paying to have incriminating phone records removed. I would guess it may be related to betting rackets. So many players, managers, agents, and even club owners have links to betting organisations. It's a web of corruption which is due to be exposed at some point.
Matt Lawton has a story up about major fraud in football and the police investigating.
North West Police the report says.
It was tweeted straight after Liverpool lost, which looks ominous.....
What's the betting that we'll get linked with it and the whole Uefa shitstorm will get thrown up again?


We're flying, Liverpool aren't, put it together and it's going to be the same regurgitated shite we've had to endure when we've been top or won a cup.

I think you’re missing my point, you were the one arguing it was a different scenario. The Napoli player deliberately played the ball too - control/deliberately being the same thing was entirely my point - the Juve player shouldn’t have been called offside for it either.
I never seen the incident ur talking about , just read ur quote and commented on it ?

maybe I misinterpreted ur comments ?
Wasn’t my intention
No hard feelings
Isn't this the probe that goes back to Rio Ferdinand's phone records which were apparently altered by someone at Vodafone to firm up his alibi in a disciplinary hearing. It looks like it may have been escalated into a bigger story involving other cases. Hopefully none of them relate to City.
To quote camel whisperer last night, ‘is that in the spirit of the game?’
You are correct. Offside is merely down to where the player is at the moment the ball is kicked, where they are relative to the ball at the moment it's kicked, and whether they interfere with play in that phase of play.

It is rare though.
You could play the ball back from inside your own half toward your own goal. Your very speedy team mate was the only player in the opponents' half other than their keeper. He runs from his offside position back into his own half and is first to the ball. He's offside when he plays the ball, even if he gets to it in the penalty area. A few years back the rule was that the free kick was taken from the point where the player was when the ball was played by his teammate, now it's from where he became offside.

So an indirect free kick to the opponents in your penalty area....

Unlikely ... but while you can't be in an offside position in your own half, you can come back from an offside position in the other half and be given offside in your own half. (You always could, but the free kick would be in the other half.)

I can understand people struggling with that, but some of the misunderstandings about offside (on this thread) suggest we need much more explanation with salt and pepper pots...
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The story is behind a paywall, but The Times has tweeted this copy of its back page, which contains a decent chunk of the article:

The part that isn't on the back page goes on to discuss the police having allegedly obtained a witness statement from a former employee of an 'intermediary data provider' with regard to the billing of a top football agent. It's claimed that information from such providers is accepted by football tribunals, whereas in the criminal courts the only billing data that can be given as evidence is that supplied by mobile networks themselves.

Some of these intermediaries are said to offer billing adjustment services as one of their selling points, and the above witness statement supposedly details correspondence with the top agent in this regard in the context of a dispute with a player that was to be considered by an FA tribunal. A colleague of the witness allegedly made changes to data that was going to be presented as evidence to the tribunal.

Once stuff like this starts being looked into, you never know what else will come out and who'll be affected. However, based on the above, I really don't think that there are any grounds to suspect that MCFC are involved unless/until we receive further information to that effect, and panicky speculation to the contrary (of which I've seen a bit on Twitter) doesn't particularly help anyone IMO.
seeing as i am shielding and abit bored , pinged a complaint to the bbc again lol

yet again with in a few weeks of my last complaint about your sports department i find myself having to complain again.

You never gave a reason as to why Crooks didnt know that the Manchester City keeper Ederson was in fact the winner of the golden glove last season. As Crooks said that the liverpool keeper was, so i dont expect to reply to this complaint.

In your match report on the Manchester City v Villa game your report Chris Bevan states that Citys first goal was and i quote '' when Rodri controversially stole the ball off Tyrone Mings''.
Could Bevan or even his useless boss dan roan please explain how scoring a goal with in the rules of the game is controversial ?

what i find controversial is that the BBC employ ex pros and reports who dont know the rules of football. ie Keown. Why are you using our taxes to employ people who dont know the rules of the sport they comment on ?

Yet again the BBC football department is shown to be lacking in knowledge of football. But seems happy to carry on it love in for all things utd and liverpool. The sooner the licence fee is scraped the better.

as with my last complaint i dont expect a honest reply from the bbc .
Nice one.
I look forward to this being read out on that "Points of View" programme! :-)
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