Media Thread - 2021/22

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In case anyone has forgotten, two years ago we were sanctioned by European football's governing body, which saw fit to exclude us for two seasons from its competitions. It was a punishment that posed an existential threat to our club's ambitions to compete at the highest levels of English and European football.

The 'evidence' used as justification of UEFA's decision took the form of hacked internal correspondence. It was presented selectively in a foreign publication, but gave rise to intensive lobbying efforts on the part of rival clubs seeking to have strict penalties imposed on us. They were backed by the British sports media, whose hysterical coverage gave rise to a febrile atmosphere in which UEFA didn't feel it could be seen not to take strong action.

Two UK newspapers plus several individual journalists from other outlets (some with demonstrable links to the rival clubs pushing for us to be penalised) were instrumental in setting the tone for the more widespread reporting that created such an atmosphere. As was subsequently proven in the proceedings before the CAS, much of the reporting of the outlets and individuals I'm referring to was manifestly in bad faith, while some of it was outright mendacious.

These newspapers and individuals now lack the casus belli that they revelled in with regard to our FFP investigation. They very much haven't gone away, though: their attitude hasn't changed, and they're out to discredit our club however and whenever they can.

I appreciate that not everyone will be interested in discussing that, which is fine. Personally, though, I want to keep an eye on people who have a platform and admit that they want to use it to damage our club. This thread seems a perfectly suitable forum for discussing what I and others with a similar interest see. If others want to use that to say I'm a "radical" or in Sam Lee's words a "militant crank", then those are labels I utterly reject.
It's bizarre to us but I thought about this earlier and, in true paranoid, militant crank style, believe there's a pattern and explanation.

You have to remember that The Athletic is now owned by the New York Times, which also employs Liverpool fan Rory Smith, and Tariq Panja, one of the worst anti-City trolls, who's a mouthpiece for Gill and Parry and was the recipient of leaks from the UEFA FFP case all along. The NYT have clearly extended their editorial policy to The Athletic.

Lee's upcoming piece will be along the lines of "I heard from conflicted fans who say they love City but have serious doubts about the ownership". When you add that to Crafton's article, which clearly fed the "City would be skint without Abu Dhabi" narrative, you can see a trend emerging. On one level, it's designed to undermine us and even sow doubt among our own fanbase. but there's another level to this.

One of the biggest problems CFG face in securing a stadium site in New York, is anti-Arab sentiment. We saw that clearly in the leaked emails from the UAE ambassador to the US, where he spoke about winning hearts and minds and was told, obliquely, to stress their good relations with Israel. It's maybe somewhat far-fetched to suggest the subsequent normalisation of relations between Israel and the UAE was solely to ensure this NYCFC stadium can happen but their presence in New York is clearly important to CFG and the UAE. Obstructing us in any ways they can is clearly important to our US-owned rivals, as we already know.

Is it really therefore a coincidence that all these articles, including Mooney's weird Tweet, appear within a few days of each other? I susepct they're acting under orders.
This is 100 per cent correct. A lot of the poison has been set in the USA. It is no co-incidence that the leaders of our commercial rivals LFC, MUFC, and Arsenal like to hold their cosy meetings in New York City. Anti-Arab sentiment (let's call it racism) is the driving force. It is the elephant in the room and the fact it has not been called out by the English football media tells you everything you need to know about the state of our media.
Thing is, don't react and the silence is received as acquiescence at best and agreement at worst. I'm all for those who want to dedicate their time to dealing with these professional trolls. Some will be good at it, others won't, it takes all sorts. I can't be arsed but wouldn't criticise those that do.
Unfornately 'if you don't deny it, you must be guilty' attitude is held by many people in many fields nowadays so people come out to fight their corner and fall into a booby trap.
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Sam, go and to something useful in your failing click-bait journalistic career.

Go and find out why Liverpool Football club illegally hacked Manchester City Football clubs player data base. And whether Henry and FSG knew what was going on? And why those who did it are still employed by Liverpool Football club?

Go and find out why Liverpool Football club renewed their shirt sponsorship deal with Standard Chartered even though they must have known Standard Chartered were being investigated for money laundering, breaching sanctions with Iran, etc.

Go and find out why Manchester United are funneling their money through the Cayman Islands Tax Haven.

But you won't will you, you sh*t bag! It's more than your career is worth. I'm sure you and your employer wouldn't want to upset Henry, the Glazers, Liverpool Football Cub, Manchester United Football Club, Liverpool fans (especially Liverpool fans), and United fans.

You're no different to all the other click bait football journalists who suck up to red shirt clubs and their fans. Happy to stay subservient on the QT. Happy to keep your cushy job. And happy to watch the clicks come rolling in across social media. What a shit way to measure a journalistic carrer. Are you f*ck Martin Samnuel!! And you never will be.
The first question Sam should ask is why did the man responsible for hacking City leave his top role at LFC (one of the best jobs in world football) two months ago with apparently no job to go to. Don't hold your breath though.
The Occams Razor principle suggests that it’s pretty obvious that Panja was getting a lot of his UEFA FFP fantasies from the redshirt placemen Gill/Parry, but whether directly or not its hard to be certain.
I imagine this might have been their bagman…

i thought of this thread and that clip when I watched Leeds v United at the weekend. Tyler barely raised his voice when United scored but was noticably excited when Leeds scored. To me, same as the game you've linked, he reacts to and reflects the noise around him and the atmosphere in the stadium. He doesn't "hate" City. That was an example of our fans being paranoid.
Really? (and I don't mean sarcastic 'really', I mean intrigued 'really')

I missed the Leeds/United game on Sunday due to my fuckwit brother-in-law. I'll listen out for this in future. I've always thought that Tyler toes the party line and backs the redshirt clubs but has utter disdain for City.
The Occams Razor principle suggests that it’s pretty obvious that Panja was getting a lot of his UEFA FFP fantasies from the redshirt placemen Gill/Parry, but whether directly or not its hard to be certain.
I imagine this might have been their bagman…

That is a really good shout.
Really? (and I don't mean sarcastic 'really', I mean intrigued 'really')

I missed the Leeds/United game on Sunday due to my fuckwit brother-in-law. I'll listen out for this in future. I've always thought that Tyler toes the party line and backs the redshirt clubs but has utter disdain for City.
Honestly. It was hugely noticeable.
I get a Athletic City podcasts on Spotify free once a week. Listening to it I was struck by how indifferent at best the “expert” to City. No sense of him enjoying our successes. (It might be my imagination)

This is in comparison to other clubs podcasts I listen to on the Athletic (I listen to clubs that are doing bad). With the Utd Spurs (not listening to that one this week!) Newcastle etc the “expert” or “experts”actually acts like a fan of that club.

Now I may be mistaken and you could argue it doesn’t matter. But whilst it may use Man City in its title for the podcast the Athletic is just another media outlet that has no interest in giving City a fair platform in our competition against the “historic” clubs.

Would it let non fans cover the darling clubs in red? Would it write articles on these clubs sniping at their success whilst saying in passing they haven’t done anything wrong ? Would it send a question on Twitter insinuating that their fans should put up with this constant sniping. Of course not.

City the club and its fans are not perfect. But whilst other clubs are given a free pass we are being singled out.
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