Media Thread - 2021/22

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These have been rehashed for a number of reasons - 1) the big games we have coming up 2) Erling Haaland transfer 3) Pep maybe renewing 4) the current war in the Ukraine

Big issue for point 4 is the along with the Middle Eastern countries, there are also China & India - 2 countries who have massive ties with Europe

Crafton and his numpty mates don't see the bigger political picture here are trying to stir a complex pot. This is just to create hysteria within their minute little following on social media, the majority of reputable journos seem to be staying clear of it and leaving it to the little Whatsapp group - When you look at the % of likes or retweets from Harris's total number of followers - it's less than 5% of his following - which in the grand scheme of things is fuck all - the rest just ignore him - its all noise to stir up the cartels

I'm not sure there is anything the club can do apart from refute the claims and see take any charges on in court - it is a smear campaign. With every bit of success we are gaining fans and exposure - so as long as we carry on with success on the field - our exposure grows.

It hurts us as fans - as we are emotionally engaged but there are most likely legal & logical reasons for not responding from the club. I'm sure it's not been ignored and is sitting with the lawyers who are providing guidance on how we respond or not.
Time to circle the wagons yet again - as others have said you'd think there were 2 or 3 season defining games coming up, strange timing and all that.

As a fan I look at things that go on at my club closely - all I can see is we have a club that has done nothing other than positively effect the national game. It is such a compliment to what Pep especially has done to football in this country when you see teams in the lower divisions adopting our style of play. The media fail to see that it can only help our national team and instead, seem hell bent on discrediting our role in the improvement nationally.

I also look at clubs who have been taken over by foreign owners and find it interesting as I drive past Anfield, Old Trafford that there is only modest improvements in the communities - mostly just the stadiums themselves. I then recall driving to games when we first moved to East Manchester and compare that to the area now - our owners have invested both in the club and the area with staggering results. I am proud to be associated with a club that does that. Make no bones about it FSG and the Glaziers are all about making money for themselves.

I then consider who actually picks up on the Der S reports and the fact that the BBC put it front and centre on their webpage tells me there is an agenda to discredit us. This is not about football, not about finances it's personal. I then sit back and consider the BBC is an organisation that is not accountable, spends it's time influencing rather than reporting. It is an organisation that took the decision to sweep under the table the horrific crimes of one of it's own - crimes that were heinous and against 5-75 year old vulnerable souls - they refused to air a programme based on facts and forced their own reporter to go to their rival to air the documentary. Their apologies and reviews into their lack of actions were abhorrent. The BBC is not fit for purpose and the very fact that they publish these stories at the times they do tells me we as fans have nothing to worry about.

I'm not saying we are completely golden, all businesses conduct certain aspects close to the rules - for example signing young players is now driven by agents and parents looking for the best outcome for their lads and lasses - all clubs play by these rules and try to sweeten deals. Also I laugh when I see the likes of Barca tapping up our players - I accept it because it goes on but for these sort of clubs to stand there and slag us about how we conduct business is so rich I can't stomach it.

I am proud to be a fan of our great club, I am proud to be associated with our funny, sometimes irreverent fans. We are City and we are bloody magnificent. Now lets batter them on Sunday and quieten these immature voices. Have a great day fellow blues.
Liverpool fans hate and are obsessed with City because City have directly stopped Liverpool winning the PL titles on 3 separate occasions recently.

Liverpool would have 4 PL titles by now if it wasn't for Pep and City. Hopefully it will be 4?

That aside, all the American Red Shirt owned clubs and their hangers like Spurs, etc, have waged a deliberate and orchestrated campaign (war) against City for a over a decade, trying to destroy City. So far they have failed!
These have been rehashed for a number of reasons - 1) the big games we have coming up 2) Erling Haaland transfer 3) Pep maybe renewing 4) the current war in the Ukraine

Big issue for point 4 is the along with the Middle Eastern countries, there are also China & India - 2 countries who have massive ties with Europe

Crafton and his numpty mates don't see the bigger political picture here are trying to stir a complex pot. This is just to create hysteria within their minute little following on social media, the majority of reputable journos seem to be staying clear of it and leaving it to the little Whatsapp group - When you look at the % of likes or retweets from Harris's total number of followers - it's less than 5% of his following - which in the grand scheme of things is fuck all - the rest just ignore him - its all noise to stir up the cartels

I'm not sure there is anything the club can do apart from refute the claims and see take any charges on in court - it is a smear campaign. With every bit of success we are gaining fans and exposure - so as long as we carry on with success on the field - our exposure grows.

It hurts us as fans - as we are emotionally engaged but there are most likely legal & logical reasons for not responding from the club. I'm sure it's not been ignored and is sitting with the lawyers who are providing guidance on how we respond or not.
The best way the club can respond for all us City fans is by winning the Premier league again this season and then sitting back to watch the Dippers implode
They are not really stupid games though. They are targeted and coordinated attacks designed to unsettle the team and it seems they are being used at significant points in the season.

We really think these things affect the players before a big game?

They seem to have got through the whole CAS thing without a scratch.

More likely it's to do with the PL investigation. Maybe something has happened recently, an approach to settle or drop the case, maybe. Maybe with some pressure from the UAE that the harassment of senior political figures is stopped. You know, before big arms deals and UK investment.

I certainly don't see what Bayern have to gain from this, but the US-owned PL clubs, that's a different matter. I don't see it having any effect, but these are the guys that thought writing to CAS was a good idea, so who knows how stupid they are?
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