Media Thread - 2021/22

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Anyone got access to the Delooney article in the Independent? Its behind a paywall

I'm sure its a gem, i can tell by the headline on twitter
"They're the opposite of each other which is why the despise eachother"
No doubt trying to claim how organic and wonderful Liverpool are, building this squad through the youth academy and the odd £200k bargain spotted from the lower leagues
Anyone got access to the Delooney article in the Independent? Its behind a paywall

I'm sure its a gem, i can tell by the headline on twitter
"They're the opposite of each other which is why the despise eachother"
No doubt trying to claim how organic and wonderful Liverpool are, building this squad through the youth academy and the odd £200k bargain spotted from the lower leagues
It's true. Salah is Bootle born and raised mate, and Mane used to go to Quadrant Park.

Think it's very interesting this morning that barely any of the other new outlets are making a big deal about this story. The newsnow city page was overflowing with bullshit the last time this happened, and there's barely a murmur this morning. The majority are staying away as it's bollocks.
2008 ladies and gentleman 2008.
This is when were taken over and 14yrs later we are still constantly being attacked on all sides by the media.

If i was a non-city fan i would associate Etihad & Abu Dhabi with cheating, sportswashing and human rights abusers - we as City fans know it’s not true but the way we are petrayed, wrote about and discussed all the time is how the average non-city fans see’s it.
And as we are all aware, there are more non City fans around the world than City fans.

FOURTEEN YEARS of constant abuse and lies without any retaliation from the club have unfortunately damaged the brand - what a PR disaster.

Only if the club had some bollocks and threatened any “jounalist” or paper who wrote complete bollocks with court action this shit may have stopped many many years ago.
Gary Neville recenly for example.

This bury your head in the sand and let them get on with it approach didn’t work, hasn’t worked and will never work.

The damage has been done, and will continue until the clubs PR Dept do something.

If i had a business and the media were constantly writing negative articles without any response from my PR Dept, no client would go near me and i’d go bust.

I love my club like my family, and if some C*nt kept writing shite and lies about a family member on social media, they would be getting a harsh word in the ear, told to apologise and receive a size 10 boot up their anal passage!

I just wish the club would do the same
Absolutely.. We get taken apart by the media but we sit back as its perceived that taking action against a journalist will only make us look like we have something to hide and that leads to then a more concentrated attack by the media.
Well maybe we should take a leaf from the scouse book of PR and do what they did to the journalist Colin mahfam. When he dared to question liverpool fans behaviour in an article which was based on facts they even got the mayor to demand an apology before the journalist was fired
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If the absolute jokes that get paid to report on football in this country really had an unbiased view and truly wanted to right the wrongs of the game then why didn’t (or as they like to rehash things from years ago) don’t they look back at the £50 million the scousers wrote off in the so called development plans for the ghost stadium in Stanley Park. Any real ‘investigative’ journalist would look into that loss and see it for the sham that it so clearly was and report on it accordingly. The lack of any real coverage at all about it tells you all you need to know about the ‘journalists’ or ‘experts’ we are dealing with here.

Allow me to do it for them. During the financial year of 2010/2011 the scousers made losses of £49.4 million which was quietly, more importantly without question, reported it was that particular failed stadium strategy which was the reason they had to take a £49.6 million pound hit, which presumably means the would have made a 200k profit if it wasn’t for that ‘unfortunate situation’. It was all readily and quickly agreed by the press, (those that did bother to mention it) that it was the inept decisions of Gillett and Hicks which was the reason for this even though they were only in control of Liverpool for a little over 2 months of that year. The fact that the blame was pinned on them losing around £5 million a week during the 10 weeks they were in charge on planning a stadium was clearly bollocks to start with though it seemed not worth looking into. Nothing to see here they whispered.

However, if you take a look into their transfer dealings during that year, which FSG were in control for 9 1/2 months, they will see a net loss for almost that amount after they splurged £23million on Suarez, £35 million on Carrol, £16million on Henderson, £20 million on Downing and £8 million on Adam. £102 million in total. Yes they got £50 million for Torres and £6 million for Babel but they were the only outgoings of note at the start of King Kenny’s second spell that year so that is about a £46 million shortfall. But yet, the press that actually bothered to mention it quickly agreed the reason for that year’s loss was in fact due to the outgoing owners 2 1/2 months of madness where they lost nigh on £50 million due to planning a stadium and now how these new owners knew what they were doing and were taking the scousers back to the very top where they so rightly belonged.

Though, If they did indeed want to look deeper into that year’s accounts these bastions of light and truth would also see Roy Hodgson’s dealings during his short spell in that same financial year saw him take around a £3 million loss during that period and you are now pretty much coming up with that magic number of a £49.6 million loss. But no, it was all about those pesky ex owners seemingly losing that amount in that crazy 2 1/2 months and what a great set of owners they had now who would right the wrongs of those mad 10 weeks and how it was the kind of day the sky sports reporter lived for on the day of the takeover. It really was a ‘boss’ day all round.

I also presume the crooks at UEFA went through that seasons accounts with a fine tooth comb as FFP was to come in the following year, but it seemed just like the media they already had tunnel vision on one particular club’s dealings and the scousers were allowed to do as they pleased. Spend,Spend,Spend, quick.

So forgive me but what I’m saying is at no point has this clear as day fallacious set of accounts ever been or will ever be questioned by the media in this country as the overwhelming majority of the press are duplicitous arseholes with obvious vested interests and are without an ounce of journalistic integrity or any real moral standing.

They are nothing more than a stain on our game fixated on one club through either personal or financial motives and must be treated with the contempt they so richly deserve, as the only thing driving them, other than the things I’ve just mentioned, is acute bitterness and more importantly inherent envy.

Fuck em!Attachment.png
Anyone got access to the Delooney article in the Independent? Its behind a paywall

I'm sure its a gem, i can tell by the headline on twitter
"They're the opposite of each other which is why the despise eachother"
No doubt trying to claim how organic and wonderful Liverpool are, building this squad through the youth academy and the odd £200k bargain spotted from the lower leagues
Doesn’t seem to be a paywall? But I can sum it up for you:
Season defining Biggest rivalry of the best 2 teams in world.
One is a plucky underfunded organic club dragged to the heights by Klopp.
The other is a state supported financial behemoth with disregard for the teams of the past, the cartel clubs and ‘believes’ they are being done over by the press.
Bus attack was a few objects.
Sterling brought the abuse upon himself.
Allison et al cost only 2s & 6d.
Anyone got access to the Delooney article in the Independent? Its behind a paywall

I'm sure its a gem, i can tell by the headline on twitter
"They're the opposite of each other which is why the despise eachother"
No doubt trying to claim how organic and wonderful Liverpool are, building this squad through the youth academy and the odd £200k bargain spotted from the lower leagues

It's a superficial mash of comparing the clubs/managers on separate points, scattered with "Klopp's great" and the obligatory "City and rules" insinuation.

The "despise each other" bit is listed as from "a prominent source", with no name, but there are a few bits like that in there. Google doesn't shed any light on who may have said that.

Not sure why you think it's behind a paywall though - there isn't one on the Indie. THere is sometimes a "Register" block that comes up, but I find that "I'll try later" gets rid of it.
Absolutely.. We get taken apart by the media but we sit back as its perceived that taking action against a journalist will only make us look like we have something to hide and that leads to then a more concentrated attack by the media.
Well maybe we should take a leaf from the scouse book of PR and do what they did to the journalist Colin mahfam. When he dared to question liverpool fans behaviour in an article which was based on facts they even got the mayor to demand an apology before the journalist was fired

They play their hand from a position of strength, we do not.
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