Media Thread - 2021/22

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I'd be far more wary of the info myself if it didn't come from two seperate sources at two different German publications (I worked in the German media between 2015-2021).

Now, there could be an element of mischief making going on, especially if the aforementioned sources felt a little salty that they decided not to run the story considering how big it ended up being.

What's also worth noting is that one of the people who told me all of this was convinced that Bayern weren't the only club given a heads up about the emails. Our scouse friends were certainly in the loop, hence why one of their client journos, Tariq Panja, went so hard in on the story.

I suppose we'll never really know the full details, but fascinating all the same.

Funny how the internet world is so full of "insiders"... ;)
When I see the connection some here (maybe because it is convenient to get "easy sounding answers") make between Spiegel and Bayern that never made any sense. The newspaper sits in Hamburg - 800 km away from Munich - they do not have a friendly relationship at all - more the opposite. And it is not that Bayern has the leverage to pressure newspapers...

Spiegel is a left leaning newspaper - apart from some of the Ultras the clubs connections are more to people from the bavarian CSU... - just to show that influence, too...

Yes, the club FC Bayern does not like the way some clubs are financed as that is a big advantage in European football in addition to the big TV contracts the EPL has anyways - and they are very outspoken about that and the media has that in the papers as it is FC Bayern and not FC Hintertuxingen. But that should not be the basics for all kind of conspiracy theories...

Funny how the internet world is so full of "insiders"... ;)
Hmmm, interesting about how Bayern do not like the way some clubs are financed, some more 'insider' information for you from the internet!

This view has to be respected, Rummenigge is a man of absolute integrity.

Suppose just for fairness, we could also point out he speaks for a club whose President served a jail sentence for tax evasion of 28m euros, then upon his release was automatically voted unopposed back into his position at that club.

Then Rummenigge himself who was given two watches worth up to 84k euros by a ‘mystery’ friend on a trip to Qatar after they had been awarded the World Cup, who then didn’t declare the ‘gifts’ upon his return to Germany and received a 250k euro fine, also no problem for Bayern Munich, so a club with officials who can be fully trusted and whose integrity on financial matters should not be questioned…

In addition, always worth mentioning their three main sponsors own 25% of Bayern between them, Adidas, Audi and Allianz, so three of their main sources of income own a quarter of that above suspicion paragon of virtue which is Bayern Munich, something that for some strange reason is very rarely mentioned when they are instructing other clubs on how they should be run.

Please, more advice from criminals with convictions of fraud on how fully audited football clubs should be run.

Don't forget while Franz Beckenbauer was Bayern President he made a 10 million swiss franc bribe to get Germany the 2006 world cup and only escaped prison because of the statute of limitations.

AND leaks showed he received €4.5m in bribes himself for voting for the Russia World Cup.
The above two posts are from when some other Bayern fan wanted to point out how virteous their 75% fan owned club are ;)

Must be horrible for your club having to play other teams in Europe with similar revenue rather than the way your club FC Bayern absolutely stitch up your own league in terms of revenue and buying any player you wish from any other German club, who bizarrely seem more than happy with such behaviour from the FC Bayern paragons of virtue...

Hoeness, Beckenbauer and Rummennigge have now been replaced by Herbert Hainer (ex-Adidas CEO) and Oliver Kahn ( strong links to Adidas throughout career). At their recent AGM they both spoke on how they would like a salary cap and lower transfer fees across European football and basically refused to answer their members\fans questions on their continued sponsor income from Qatar, which I am sure will all be above board especially bearing in mind the above already proven criminal links above.

Anyhow, hoorah for the completely fan owned club and master accountants that are FC Bayern.
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I know, right? Seems unbelievable.

Almost as unbelievable as a professional football club having multiple members of it's executive team be convicted criminals or under investigation for corruption... ;-)

Oh, funny how you reply when somebody questions you. Does not make anything more believable...
Hmmm, interesting about how Bayern do not like the way some clubs are financed, some more 'insider' information for you from the internet!

The above two posts are from when some other Bayern fan wanted to point out how virteous their 75% fan owned club are ;)

Must be horrible for your club having to play other teams in Europe with similar revenue rather than the way your club FC Bayern absolutely stitch up your own league in terms of revenue and buying any player you wish from any other German club, who bizarrely seem more than happy with such behaviour from the FC Bayern paragons of virtue...

Hoeness, Beckenbauer and Rummennigge have now been replaced by Herbert Hainer (ex-Adidas CEO) and Oliver Kahn ( strong links to Adidas throughout career), at their recent AGM they both spoke on how they would like a salary cap and lower transfer fees across European football and basically refused to answer their members\fans questions on their continued sponsor income from Qatar, which I am sure will all be above board especially bearing in mind the above already proven criminal links above.

Anyhow, hoorah for the completely fan owned club and master accountants that are FC Bayern.

Nothing new or not known. That does not make the conspiracy theories of some more believable.
Oh, funny how you reply when somebody questions you. Does not make anything more believable...

Nothing new or not known. That does not make the conspiracy theories of some more believable.
The conspiracy theories of some as opposed the absolute proof of all your club has been run by convicted fraudulent criminals for not years but decades.

Your fan owned club is an extremely well run version of the Barcelona criminals/fraudsters, but make no mistake, criminals and fraudsters all the same.
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