Media thread 2022/23

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Who the fuck is that thick **** to appropriate the term?
I carried on my discussion with him. Here's what he said about the impact of our owners on the community and the threat of American owners:

"I'm not sure positive contribution to the community - and we don't even know that's the case, it's not the case with City - is a sufficient argument to counteract the far graver issues. It doesn't need to mean you condone them. It still just shouldn't happen. And I've written countless articles on all of these forces drivign the game and the game's failure to regulate. But the fact is there is nothing on the American capitalist side that has sufficient weight to truly balance human rights abuses. As Nick McGeehan of Fair Square said to me, "The Glazers aren't bombing Yemen." Perspectiev is required."
He was saying that if Qatar or Jim RATcliffe buy United they wouldnt want too make any money it would be to get United where they belong. lol
I particularly liked Mike asking him about Sir Jim being a lifelong fan of Utd yet having a season ticket at Chelsea for 30 years and attempting to buy Chelsea last year. His response was that his family are Chelsea fans.
She's from the Wirral, and is pretty much Liverpool, I think.
I think her daftness for MU is entirely down to having snagged the first Rashford interview - I think it's him not the club.
She’s a proper snooty,salty cowbag who looks down her hooked beak at people with a misplaced sense of superiority.

Her demeanour re Rash Ford was utterly nauseating and took the form of a character promotion.

The BBC is fucked.
I carried on my discussion with him. Here's what he said about the impact of our owners on the community and the threat of American owners:

"I'm not sure positive contribution to the community - and we don't even know that's the case, it's not the case with City - is a sufficient argument to counteract the far graver issues. It doesn't need to mean you condone them. It still just shouldn't happen. And I've written countless articles on all of these forces drivign the game and the game's failure to regulate. But the fact is there is nothing on the American capitalist side that has sufficient weight to truly balance human rights abuses. As Nick McGeehan of Fair Square said to me, "The Glazers aren't bombing Yemen." Perspectiev is required."
Delooney is a morons.
Sheikh Mansour isn't bombing Yemen.
The Glazers however contributed millions to Donald Trumps election campaign and his government were happy to and continue to torture people without trial at Guantanamo Bay.
I wouldn’t engage with him mate, as the saying goes never argue with an idiot as they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
I particularly liked Mike asking him about Sir Jim being a lifelong fan of Utd yet having a season ticket at Chelsea for 30 years and attempting to buy Chelsea last year. His response was that his family are Chelsea fans.
Probably in the same way that Anthony Taylor's family are all Rags yet he's and Altrincham fan.
He was saying that if Qatar or Jim RATcliffe buy United they wouldnt want too make any money it would be to get United where they belong. lol it’s going to be a ‘not for profit’ charity then.

When will the media ask these characters to publicly explain how this charitable enterprise will be structured and operate.

I think Lord Pannick should should interrogate them on Sky......

And it’s live !!
The people who are bombing Yemen are the UK's allies, backed and supplied by the USA and UK. It is a proxy war. The people on the other side are, or are alleged to be, connected with Iran. Iran is a very Bad Thing, the media tells me.

If we (USA and UK) did not support proxy wars, there's a fair chance they wouldn't happen or would be over quicker. But if people wanted such a policy, they should have voted for Corbyn.
The people who are bombing Yemen are the UK's allies, backed and supplied by the USA and UK. It is a proxy war. The people on the other side are, or are alleged to be, connected with Iran. Iran is a very Bad Thing, the media tells me.

If we (USA and UK) did not support proxy wars, there's a fair chance they wouldn't happen or would be over quicker. But if people wanted such a policy, they should have voted for Corbyn.
Is this the same Iran who are backed by terrorists whose money is laundered via Standard Chartered by any chance?
I wonder what Delooneys views are on this but I imagine the thick twat is too focused on trying to link everything that's bad in the world to Manchester City.
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