Media thread 2022/23

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The only song I heard was the "Victims" song. I think you can debate for hours on whether that is a tragedy chant or not. If the Liverpool fans think it is then I'd rather we did not sing it. If we don't sing it then there should be no complaints. Perhaps sing about their specific missdemeanours in a different way. I'm no bard but I'm penning a small operetta about them featuring computer hacking, Alan Turing, bus damaging and going for pee in inappropriate places.
OK let's stop singing 'always the victims' but what next ? I remember the 'Allez' song that a few lads switched around. Suddenly battered in the streets wasn't about a Champs league final, it was about Sean Cox. Every song, every comment, hell every thought that they don't like they want stopped.
There is a reason fans sing always the victims.
OK let's stop singing 'always the victims' but what next ? I remember the 'Allez' song that a few lads switched around. Suddenly battered in the streets wasn't about a Champs league final, it was about Sean Cox. Every song, every comment, hell every thought that they don't like they want stopped.
There is a reason fans sing always the victims.
The only 'tragedy' reference I heard on Saturday was the shout "Munich" after the words "he's harder than Jaap Stam".
Always the victim is about lfc making themselves the victim, in everything! Karius, ramos, the bus, Paris, snow, suarez being racist, etc etc..

THEY'RE turning it into a song about hillsborough, actually making themselves a victim in the process.

What next, the phrase "bin dippers" to be banned? Singing "they're shit" to be banned!

It's all so insidious and actually only serves to trivialise the deaths at hillsborough, I mean they're now using it as a diversion tactic. When will that stop!
Unlike others, I can live with and understand (whilst not agree with) the club’s media strategy, in so far as it is structured in relation to its own specific aims and goals. I think the club is entitled to do what it sees as correct when it comes to pursuing its own direction of travel in managing the media.

However, it is completely unacceptable when us supporters are collateral damage as a consequence of this strategy. It shows an egregious lack of respect and loyalty by the club to its own patrons.

It’s starting to sour the relationship with the club for me, and I suspect many others.

This statement is part of a series of steps from the club in relation to the relationship with Liverpool, where they have consciously sacrificed the fair treatment of its own supporters at the altar of placating an organisation that has tried to destroy us, and continues to.

Grow a fucking spine City, and show some support for those that support you. There was no fucking singing about Hillsborough on Saturday and the club should stop cowering in the face of the false narrative that there was.
I love it when you're masterful.
Maybe it's time to come up with new chants that demonstrably and clearly aren't about Hillsborough.

However, to my mind the 'Victims' chant isn't about Hillsborough but about their general attitude to life; so it's easier said than done. Truth-twisting and false narratives are the norms at Anfield, let's be honest. So, short of getting all future chants approved by some sort of academic who analyses the meaning of words, I am not sure even new chants won't somehow be twisted to be 'about Hillsborough'.
We already have Shakespeare and Dickens being 're-written and adapted. Next step would lead to having all chants checked and pre approved by Tony fucking Evans.
There is no point crying about the club statement. The fact is LFC think the Victims chant is about Hillsborough so that means it can’t be sung without getting a load of shit in the media. And if its like Saturday then the club will continue to have to write apologies.

No matter what we think it’s about it shouldn’t be sung.

We can argue quite rightly all day that it’s nothing to do with Hillsborough - but the minute they claimed it was a reference to Hillsborough it can’t be sung without the shit in the media and public apologies.

If we had the same kind of media control that they do it might be different.
So if we decide that every song Liverpool sing is, in fact, a veiled reference to the munic air disaster? (including their favourite dirge)
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