Media thread 2022/23

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What about the strangled chicken?


Minus Heysel.
Eagles hunt birds like that.
I read this article and found it relatively interesting but I’d probably say that this history of Britain and our development would probably mean you need to at all City’s for this. Liverpool for example, built on slavery. Many mayors of liverpool during the 18th and 19th century were either traders or descendants of traders. I’m no Liverpool historian but is the liver bird on the badge taken from the liver building? At the docks, the docks that developed as a result of the slave trade, I wonder how far back into the Royal Liver Assurance Company you’d have to go before you found slave links. I don’t want to turn this into whataboutery and turn it into a Liverpool thing (don’t want them thinking they live rent free in our heads) it’s just a prominent example. You could say the same about Bristol?

It seems a bit odd to start looking at badges though, Arsenal’s cannon, Royal armouries at Woolwich, they had a role in subjugating people all over the world and it’s a weapon of war. Where do you draw the line?

If I remember the tour guide on the rainy windy mersey boat trip when I was in year 9, the liver bird is from the middle ages.

There’s not a single thing or person that can’t be attributed to the slave trade or colonialism. It’s the reason we aren’t as poor as Albania.

My ancestors starved off the land in Ireland that were given a paid passage to England to live in slums & work in cotton mills in Manchester…….cotton you say, hospitals, schools, there’s no end to the links.
It's worth a read. People on here are being hypersensitive, it's not really about City, it's not demanding change or presenting just 1 point of view, it's just about remembering the history behind the symbols we use.
I'm happy that the ship represents the ships that brought my family from Ireland to Manchester in the 1840s. They lived in a basement hovel around sudehill and were employed in the textile industry in conditions that would now be called slavery.
Despite this i can cope with the club badge as is, and even the rag one with its depiction of Beelzebub. Good luck to the guardian with their book burning crusade.
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