Media thread 2022/23

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Dear click-baiters (I won't refer to them as journo's) please read the following quote from HH Sheikh Mansour in his letter to fans on the purchase of the club in 2008:

"I should perhaps also explain that despite what you may have read, I have bought the club in a private capacity and as part of my personal business strategy to hold a wide portfolio of business investments. I am a football fan, and I hope that you will soon see that I am now also a Manchester City fan. But I am also a long-term investor and that is probably more important to the club and to you because it means we are here for the long haul and that we will act always in the best interests of the club and all of its stakeholders, but especially you the fans."


Thankfully the only thing he got wrong was Hughes.
Really? I mean really, seriously really? You are genuinely convinced the most negative detractors of City get most of their engagement from Bluemoon users?
People like Delaney?


Are you familiar with network mathematics?

Bluemoon users tend to be “power” fans, which post beyond Bluemoon, including on major social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit.

The through traffic and impressions via rage-sharing alone will be a substantial portion of the engagement for most negative detractors of City, of which most have independent footprints beyond their employers.

The amplification effect is astounding for many of their articles. They spread like wildfire and those same provocateurs can then cite their engagement metrics to justify freelance/salary support for further work.

Many blues are either ignorant to how “new media” works or exceedingly naive about how their actions support it.

@tolmie's hairdoo could no doubt elaborate further.
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People like Delaney?


Are you familiar with network mathematics?

Bluemoon users tend to be “power” fans, which post beyond Bluemoon, including on major social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit.

The through traffic and impressions via rage-sharing alone will be a substantial portion of the engagement for most negative detractors of City, of which most have independent footprints beyond their employers.

The amplification effect is astounding for many of their articles. They spread like wildfire and those same provocateurs can the. cite their engagement metrics to justify freelance/salary support for further work.

Many blues are either ignorant to how “new media” works or exceedingly naive about how their actions support it.

@tolmie's hairdoo could no doubt elaborate further.

Network mathematics? Never heard if it and don't really want to, before you enlighten us, but I am guessing it's to do with exponentials starting from a few shares with friends, to those friends sharing with their friends and so on. Doesn't work in me . I have no friends.

I am sorry, but you are sounding as increasingly paranoid as the new media people you should be criticising.

Edit: sorry, in retrospect, that sounded rather insulting. That wasn't my intention, but my fat fingers pressed send before I had had the chance to finish my thought so I had to do just a little damage limitation. You are clearly not crazed or paranoid and, although we share some views on some things, on this one I think you are wrong.

I don't think Mansour on Saturday night was worrying about the effects on network mathematics on the income of a few journalists. More likely he was thinking about how he can finally leverage the CL and the treble success to attract more billion dollar investments into CFG. And I am sure they are on their way. If he doesn't care, then I don't.
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Mate - he didn’t say posting a link infringes copyright.

He said posting more then a summary paragraph infringes copyright and would be removed - which is 100% accurate.

His point was that posting a link provides the writers of negative articles with the very engagement and clicks they so desperately crave - thereby validating the absolute fucking bilge they keep writing about our club.

And I for one agree with him - giving the parade of morally redundant shills who cynically and habitually misrepresent our club the benefit of the clicks that literally pay their bills only serves to encourage them and their employers to keep churning this shit out.

Its so self defeating to use a City forum to validate and give free promotion to the very people and publications that are so committed to attacking and denigrating our club.

What happens is we post screenshots of headlines, peole google the article, click on it, and the same clicks happen (if that really matters), but with now an additional percentage of google searches registered. I get it is from a good place, but the obsession with not posting links is at best misplaced. Don't post them, don't click them, ignore the lot if it pleases you or you think it makes a difference. Others will though, don't let that upset you more than the articles themselves.
Mate - he didn’t say posting a link infringes copyright.

He said posting more then a summary paragraph infringes copyright and would be removed - which is 100% accurate.

His point was that posting a link provides the writers of negative articles with the very engagement and clicks they so desperately crave - thereby validating the absolute fucking bilge they keep writing about our club.

And I for one agree with him - giving the parade of morally redundant shills who cynically and habitually misrepresent our club the benefit of the clicks that literally pay their bills only serves to encourage them and their employers to keep churning this shit out.

Its so self defeating to use a City forum to validate and give free promotion to the very people and publications that are so committed to attacking and denigrating our club.

It's worse than that. I know for a fact that desks and TalkSport are very thankful for these threads to gauge responses and moods.

That's on top of their analytic tools.
With respect - your simple fact is nothing of the sort.

What @SebastianBlue was suggesting was that if you want to reference an article, you can quote the headline and a summary paragraph whilst still making your point - without giving the fucking pond life that are committed to slandering our club at every turn the very thing they so desperately desire.

If you really want to go and read the full article from there - knock yourself out - but the solution he’s proposing saves using a City website to validate the very people and publications who use their platforms to constantly misrepresent and attack our Club.

Starve then of clicks - you starve them of oxygen.

They must fucking love this place, all the free hits they get off us!

Very often, the headline and summary can be different to the body of the article. Someone in the industry explained that previously, as the editors choosing not the writers. If more people out there read the full thing (of some of the articles, not all), the headlines maybe wouldn't stick as much.

Either way, people will most likely either read the whole thing or not, regardless of whether there is a link to it or not, so it is a bit of a niche argument.
Really? I mean really, seriously really? You are genuinely convinced the most negative detractors of City get most of their engagement from Bluemoon users?

I don't need convincing, I know.

10am every morning conference. Data and theme teams asking what is hitting the mark and how to build further narrative.

City fans are doing their jobs for them.

Make them accountable, sure, but don't make them relevant.

United sell newspapers, it's certainly not because they play brilliant football.

I've walked away from this shit. 30 years working in an industry which is now dictated by algorithms and people sat reading forums and Twitter.

City fans being socially conditioned to think everyone hates us, based on the lazy tropes and bitterness of self-important spunk bubbles.
People like Delaney?


Are you familiar with network mathematics?

Bluemoon users tend to be “power” fans, which post beyond Bluemoon, including on major social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit.

The through traffic and impressions via rage-sharing alone will be a substantial portion of the engagement for most negative detractors of City, of which most have independent footprints beyond their employers.

The amplification effect is astounding for many of their articles. They spread like wildfire and those same provocateurs can then cite their engagement metrics to justify freelance/salary support for further work.

Many blues are either ignorant to how “new media” works or exceedingly naive about how their actions support it.

@tolmie's hairdoo could no doubt elaborate further.

Then you will be aware of the mathematics of it, and that you are effectively arguing about how much of a difference recycling your plastic bottle made to the environment in which factories across the country pollute at a rate you can't even quantify.
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