Media thread 2022/23

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Not really the point I was making. It is not always as black and white as that, was my point, and snapshots of headlines are not the same as articles. Some, the headline tells you all you need to know and not bother with, others people will want to read the article and will find a way to click it.

This being secondary to my main point that people should be able to post what they want. If you believe not posting links helps, knock yourself out. If you can convince others, good too. But stop stressing out if others don't see it the same way and post the odd link. fwiw I tend to generally only lost positive links, but for o other reason than they are the ones that interest me more and I as such expect that to work on others too.

This and only this.
Sick of hearing the state-owned narrative, I can only think that it's racism because why does it matter?

At what point are they going to look at the parasitic ownership at the likes of United, Liverpool or Arsenal, what about the joker management and ownership at other clubs. Look at how shit Chelsea have been this year, classic mismanagement despite the fact that they have spent the earth. It's not our fault that these clubs do shite because they have the money however prefer to siphon it out of the club to shareholders.

If they want to ask us about our owners then they're welcome to ask anytime. They have transformed East Manchester and on Saturday night they brought every young and old city fan one of the best nights of their lives. By the look of the staff and players, city is a very happy club and we're comfortable in what we are and stand for.

Yes there are rules and the supposed breaches but they forget that those rules were created by UEFA and the Premier League to kerb power and to preserve the dominance of the old guard. If we had broken the law then I'd call that out but we're not accused of breaking any law. When we go to court to fight these breaches it will be in a civil court against the Premier League, it isn't a criminal case.

As it stands city are the least indebted club in the Premier League, we're financially healthy and have become the most valuable footballing brand in the world, you can't do that by cheating the accounts! Any business would dream to go from what we were to now be in this position, that's perhaps the biggest trophy for our owners and management.

It isn't all about us either, look at what Newcastle have achieved this year and look at what Brighton have achieved this year. None of that happens without investment and owners who want success. And why shouldn't they with their own money? Newcastle absolutely deserve to be at our level, they're a massive club but they've had to endure years of dickheads managing their club. Are the media saying that now isn't allowed yet the parasite owners at the likes of United are fine?

Clubs like ours and Newcastle have ownerships which are willing to put it on the line for success and look it's working. It will be a damn shame if other clubs are stopped from trying for success just because the league feels it has to protect United's share price!? It only seems to be that their mentality is that any American shark is fine but Middle Eastern brown people are not......
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At a far reduced rate, I’d imagine.

I would argue a majority of people won’t be bothered to search for the full article if they know it’s nothing but a cynical hatchet job - but will click on a link if it’s sitting there without any context in this thread.

That’s the difference.

If you think it really that significant a swing, surely then blues tuning into talksport, and talking about what they heard on talksport, are just as 'guilty' of 'feeding the agenda'. I don't see how you can argue about link posting in blue moon while people listen to talksport.
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It's worse than that. I know for a fact that desks and TalkSport are very thankful for these threads to gauge responses and moods.

That's on top of their analytic tools.
Analytic tool? Is that Simple Simon’s new online handle? -:)
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I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that Sky Sports cannot wean itself off what was once a winning formula for them. Psychologically they must be heavily tethered to the red tops/rags in particular as it was a highly symbiotic relationship in the early years of their product.

Trouble with that mindset is businesses that don't evolve eventually get caught out and Sky seems to be seeking to stop the tide rather than swimming with it. I doubt ultimately this will be a successful strategy.
Do you mean they're a bunch of Canutes?
Not really the point I was making. It is not always as black and white as that, was my point, and snapshots of headlines are not the same as articles. Some, the headline tells you all you need to know and not bother with, others people will want to read the article and will find a way to click it.

This being secondary to my main point that people should be able to post what they want. If you believe not posting links helps, knock yourself out. If you can convince others, good too. But stop stressing out if others don't see it the same way and post the odd link. fwiw I tend to generally only lost positive links, but for o other reason than they are the ones that interest me more and I as such expect that to work on others too.

Ok - cool. I get your point on headlines.

Of course people can post what they want - just like I can comment that I think including links to media shitposting only serves to play directly into their hands, and validate their approach - doing their job for them.

And I’m definitely not stressed about it.

I find it an interesting conversation - and I find people who do post links, only to rant about the content contained within them absolutely baffling - hence my engagement in the conversation.

We’ve just won the Treble, the sun is shining, and I’m off work today. Stress is the last emotion I’m feeling!

We’re clearly not going to convince each other of our differing perspectives, so I’ll leave you to your day.

Have a good one, Blue!
Glad it's back looking forward to all the links about how well behaved City and Inter were. The in depth reports of why trouble seems to follow liverpool. That City and Inter showed the dippers how to behave.

Even with the transport problems still no trouble

So post the links lads and lasses
As per the last X pages of "click" discussion, it's amazing that there ISN'T the types of media reports/articles you suggest, because they'd generate so much traffic from (deluded but) outraged liverpool fans, and also the rest of the football community.

The Colin Maffham outcome, hangs over them all I guess.
The Sun didn't collapse after the Liverpool boycott.
Nor did various advertisers boycotted by Liverpool fans over the years.

Editors just need to grow (or borrow) a pair, and look at the metrics of engagement they'd get, it would be off the scale, if they started pieces on:
Liverpool fans behaviour compared to others (most recent CL finals for instance...)
Liverpool illegally accessing (not hacking in the strictest sense of the word, but is an easy goto) City database, and somehow getting our potential targets Coutinho and Firmino, and whatever else.
Liverpool FC net spending vs City FC net spending in the era of Klopp vs Guardiola, and a chart of trophies won/league positions. (oh "net spending, the goto comment from Liverpool fans the years after Coutinho's money unfathomly rolled in... very quiet these days).
Maybe a retrospective analysis of completely perplexing ref/assistant/VAR decisions that have occured over the years. I can only really think of 1 major one for City, that might have led to a goal/allowed a goal/stopped a goal - Rodri's 'handball'
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