Media thread 2022/23

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Great call from a blue on Talkshite. Fantastic put down on a red twat from the Midlands too. McCoist being a dick now.
McCoist has turned in to a right bitter d*ckhead. He must be on a comedown from snorting too much shit at the weekend. He also sucks up to Laura Woods, she's never going to shag you Ally.
McCoist has turned in to a right bitter d*ckhead. He must be on a comedown from snorting too much shit at the weekend. He also sucks up to Laura Woods, she's never going to shag you Ally.
Moaning about the money and saying he enjoyed West Ham winning more. This fucker played for Rangers when they were outspending every fucker in their league. Yeah, you're right, embarrassing 60 yr old flirting with Woods thinking he has a chance.
What happens is we post screenshots of headlines, peole google the article, click on it, and the same clicks happen (if that really matters), but with now an additional percentage of google searches registered. I get it is from a good place, but the obsession with not posting links is at best misplaced. Don't post them, don't click them, ignore the lot if it pleases you or you think it makes a difference. Others will though, don't let that upset you more than the articles themselves.

At a far reduced rate, I’d imagine.

I would argue a majority of people won’t be bothered to search for the full article if they know it’s nothing but a cynical hatchet job - but will click on a link if it’s sitting there without any context in this thread.

That’s the difference.
I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that Sky Sports cannot wean itself off what was once a winning formula for them. Psychologically they must be heavily tethered to the red tops/rags in particular as it was a highly symbiotic relationship in the early years of their product.

Trouble with that mindset is businesses that don't evolve eventually get caught out and Sky seems to be seeking to stop the tide rather than swimming with it. I doubt ultimately this will be a successful strategy.
Moaning about the money and saying he enjoyed West Ham winning more. This fucker played for Rangers when they were outspending every fucker in their league. Yeah, you're right, embarrassing 60 yr old flirting with Woods thinking he has a chance.
Then came in the other expert - Saunders to tell us this city team would get battered if they played 90s Wimbledon. Off it went not sure why I tried it.
Not sure I get your point here mate.

I completely get that headlines are written by editors, not by the journalists who wrote the actual content, and are designed to provoke interest.

So are you saying we should post links to full articles as a method of somehow trying to reduce the reactionary headlines?

I’m really not sure that’s how it works, with respect.

Surely all that would achieve is to validate the approach that the headline on the link made people click to read the content?

Maybe I’m missing something in your post though, as I’m sure that can’t be your point!

Not really the point I was making. It is not always as black and white as that, was my point, and snapshots of headlines are not the same as articles. Some, the headline tells you all you need to know and not bother with, others people will want to read the article and will find a way to click it.

This being secondary to my main point that people should be able to post what they want. If you believe not posting links helps, knock yourself out. If you can convince others, good too. But stop stressing out if others don't see it the same way and post the odd link. fwiw I tend to generally only lost positive links, but for o other reason than they are the ones that interest me more and I as such expect that to work on others too.
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