Media thread 2022/23

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Fans of the red shirt clubs are a lost cause. Jesus, I can understand that. United haven't been a threat for a decade but I still hate them with a passion, and, what's more, I have done my best to pass that down to the next generation.

More fans of other clubs are seeing what is happening with City all the time, which is good, but the real change will come when the next generation takes over. They will be saying Charlton, Best, Beckham? Who the fuck are they? Ri-who? They will have grown up with Haaland, de Bruyne and hopefully Foden. This is a long-term war, imho, forget the minor skirmishes.
There are now teenagers alive who can’t ever remember seeing utd win the title.
The “Not in my lifetime“ quote gets funnier with each passing year.
If you think it really that significant a swing, surely then blues tuning into talksport, and talking about whag they heard on talksport, are just as 'guilty' of 'feeding the agenda'. I don't see how you can argue about link posting in blue moon while people listen to talksport.

I didn’t mention Talksport, so that really wasn’t part of my argument.

Of course people posting endlessly on here about Talksport gives their editors the affirmation they need to carry on creating reactionary content. On that we are in complete agreement!

Again - I’m not really sure what point you’re making here. That you aren’t able to talk about posting links unless you also mention Talksport?

What about Sky Sports News? Neither of us mentioned them, so does that invalidate both our points?

But look - I said I’d leave it there in my last post. We don’t agree on this, and that’s cool.

Happy to pick up the conversation later if you’re interested.
I don't need convincing, I know.

10am every morning conference. Data and theme teams asking what is hitting the mark and how to build further narrative.

City fans are doing their jobs for them.

Make them accountable, sure, but don't make them relevant.

United sell newspapers, it's certainly not because they play brilliant football.

I've walked away from this shit. 30 years working in an industry which is now dictated by algorithms and people sat reading forums and Twitter.

City fans being socially conditioned to think everyone hates us, based on the lazy tropes and bitterness of self-important spunk bubbles.

I am sure this is bang on… in a wider sense we have a responsibility to look after ourselves. Listen to TalkSport, read the Daily Mail etc and I absolutely guarantee you’ll be depressed in no time. Enjoy being a blue and don’t let the bitter supporters of other clubs who can’t handle our success drag you down. Who really gives a shit what Harris, Delaney, Conn et al think… they are inflicting their mental insecurity on others and are best starved of the oxygen they desperately crave.

If Saturday (or this season) stood for anything it was that City stand for something, we don’t need to justify our existence, we are Champions of England and Champions of Europe and if a few sad Dippers or Rags have an issue with that - well fuck em it’s there problem and not ours. Stand tall blues we have earned this and we don’t need to apologise or explain ourselves… we are the best team in England, Europe and probably the world.
Do you mean they're a bunch of Canutes?
They're going to need a bigger boat....

Then you will be aware of the mathematics of it, and that you are effectively arguing about how much of a difference recycling your plastic bottle made to the environment in which factories across the country pollute at a rate you can't even quantify.
I think you are overestimating the reach of the likes of Delaney specifically, who I was referring to in my post. I think many blues do.

Obviously I cannot prove my theory that most of the engagement of his anti-City articles comes from rage-sharing by blues, and I could of course be wrong, but I think the way in which they are written, how he distributes links (often via Twitter diatribe threads), and the headlines used for them points specifically to trap-clickbait for City fans. Of course rival fans who hate us will read it, as it confirms their worldview, but I assert they are far less likely to share the articles across their networks than blues; they simply comment about how right Delaney is and how more people should speak this “truth”.

Rage-sharing is where the real money is, hence why so much of media now is about angering the right group to get something to go viral.

And the likes of Delaney have become a master of it with City fans.
I don't need convincing, I know.

10am every morning conference. Data and theme teams asking what is hitting the mark and how to build further narrative.

City fans are doing their jobs for them.

Make them accountable, sure, but don't make them relevant.

United sell newspapers, it's certainly not because they play brilliant football.

I've walked away from this shit. 30 years working in an industry which is now dictated by algorithms and people sat reading forums and Twitter.

City fans being socially conditioned to think everyone hates us, based on the lazy tropes and bitterness of self-important spunk bubbles.
Spot on, I have been saying it for years
Every report I’ve seen on the game references the PL charges. Now even if we were bang to rights then it’s still got fuck all to do with winning the CL as we’ve been proven not to have broken their rules.

Can’t wait until we’re proven innocent of the PL witch hunt, then they can caveat everything with ‘despite being unable to ensure a 216 to Ashton after home matches…..’
Maybe we should have a banner made that simply lists all the media outlets that despise us, BT, Sky, TalkSport, The DM,The Guardian etc and with the words underneath…. This Treble is for you…. Write what you like we ain’t interested. Display that across the North Stand behind the goal and let MOTD show it to the world…. No doubt that’ll make the charges 215.
Long drive back from Edinburgh yesterday, listened to several bbc 5 live news and sports bulletins, not one mention of City winning the CL the previous night. No offence to West Ham (great club) but I was driving a lot last Thursday and every sports bulletin was West Ham this, Moyes that, Rice the other. Our treble wasn’t news worthy 18 hours after it happened. BBC, Bloody Bastard Cunts
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