Media thread 2022/23

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Not clicking 9on it. What's the outline of the story
It's about the women's academy not the men's, and it is how 2 girls were released and they felt the club tossed them aside and didn't offer any support
Not clicking 9on it. What's the outline of the story
It's the iNews site so you know it's going to be click bait regardless, it's even worse than the likes of the Mail for that. I have to admit that I did have a look and it's apparently "parents" with no indication of numbers, but having read it, it could be just two sets who's girls were let go. “Manchester City took nine years of [my daughter’s] life, she did everything they asked, and when it came down to it she was cast aside,”

They use it to shoehorn in Jeremy Winsten and Zoe Tynan who both took their own lives. Zoe Tynan played for the 1st team for a season although only played 1 game for whatever reason and then went to Fylde Ladies team where she played just twice. They don't bother going into more detail but I highly suspect it had nothing to do with moving to Fylde from City.

Thats not assault. The guy even apologises to the keeper afterwards. Why are people seemingly easy to accept our hate media pov, ffs that is nowhere near as bad as the guy who was punched spark out yet here we are still talking about a "disgusting assualt"

You must be watching a different video to me. The guy in grey (20 secs on the Video) who purposely makes contact with Olsen in the back of the head quite clearly does not apologise.
This may not be the thread for it, but genuinely interested in your views and trying to understand the issues here.

There are three criticisms as far as I can see: that education isn't good enough; that cancellations happen without warning or preparation; and that there is insufficient follow up after cancellation. Is that about it?

Any views on those three issues particularly and how City compares to other academies? We are pretty well-run now. I would be surprised if we are less than very professional with the academies.

As far as i am concerned we are the best.
Over the last years I have had close dealings with certain parts of the club, at all levels including board members.
I have found them all to be completely professional, attention to detail is meticulous.
In any large institution there are individual mistakes, I don't feel we make many.
The club of today should not be compared to that of the past.
Jack shouldn't have bit about Souness' bait comments on Talksport.

Mentioning that toxic station at a press conference gives them the attention and the publicity they desperately crave.

Agree! but Souness was saying things about his character personality saying he would of loved to play against him as in kicking him leaving his foot in and that’s what he is getting now every game!
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It tickles me when I see journalist and newspapers begging for donations and subscriptions at the end of articles, like we've no bloody memories. I'm talking political 'journalists' too. They suddenly develop amnesia when even the morons they target won't help.
'A free press is part of a functioning democracy' - well that worked out well!
When I log on to the Grauniad (I know) I get a full begging page telling me how many free articles I have read in the last year.
So, they slag off City non stop with lies and ask me to pay for them. Fat Chance.
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