Media thread 2022/23

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Keep going on about Rashford and making the player he should be sorry when you ball control is poor you ain’t going to be top draw he is a speed merchant running on to balls with only the goalie to beat! What is he now 25? He go the same way as lingard who got all the praise and what a play he will become next minute he is 27/28 and being fucked off!
Its Big Clubitis. You play for the red clubs and your players get elevated above everyone else, no matter how shit they are. Rashford, Lingard, TAA, Sancho, AWB, Nunez are all world stars we've been told.
Last time I seen ref watch they wanted to compare Collins high boot to Haalands vs Palace. They showed the Haaland clip & made a big comparison to the Collins one.

Today they discuss the Royal red vs Arsenal & then mention the referee didn't give A red card for Van Dijk under a similar challenge but they didnt pull the video clip up or go into detail.
Surprise, surprise - Jonathan Wilson joins the Delooney "competitive balance" l camp in the Guardian. And for once the sub-editors headliners is not as bad as the actual article.

Manchester City’s continuing dominance feels uncomfortably routine​

Jonathan Wilson
Hahaha yeah he’s in full toys out of the pram mode ! Absolutely seething he is ….. brilliant stuff

He obviously spent the morning reading the wiki entry about Hungary’s 6-3 win at Wembley and carefully copied and pasted the manager’s name in to try to kid naive readers that this daft as a brush article was written by a man with a deep historical knowledge of the game and not a second rate hack trotting out all the usual big bad oil sheikh City cliches.

Don’t rule out a suicide pact involving him and Delaney !!
Delooney on a mad one, massively triggered, glorious stuff

Interesting that he has to resort to "Amnesty describe as sportswashing project". Almost as if this sportswashing idea is losing its impact and he needs to either: i) reinforce it with a reference to the organisation that invented it, as if that gives it more credibility; or ii) distance himself from it personally and just refer to what other people/organisations think of it.

Either way, it's time for him to drop it now, I think. For his own sanity if nothing else, before he turns into another sportingintel. Tosser.
Deloony and his racism has found it’s happy place using Amnesty International
Full on Haaland love-in on the BBC today, makes me laugh as we are so much more than just him

Yeah an getting sick of it every sport channel YouTube radio channel I watch they are saying how unbelievable Haaland is breaking records he going to be one the best he is the best striker in the world now! Yep am sick of it
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