Meeting Rag Players & ******* Them Off!

Went to a charity do at OT one night and Bryan Robson got in the lift with us
I said out loud oh good theyve give us a guide .He replied no mate things have
changed since i was here to which i said yeh i know theyve won stuff since you left.
Really wound up at this point he said do you want to see my medals,I replied
Fuck me youve been to the Gulf war aswell,everyone laughing he stormed out of the lift
and down the corridor (wanker).
Had the misfortune to meet Gary Neville in the Sugar Lounge the night after we slaughtered 'em 3-1 at Maine Road. He was standing rather sheepishly at the end of the downstairs bar, near the bogs.

The conversation went something like this..

"Thanks for that Gary"

Chuckle "No problem" looking confused "Erm thanks for what?"

"Feeding the Goat"

Chuckle "Tosser"

Get in..
When was about twelve when down on my bike with a mate to where peter schemiel lived in bramhall knew where he lived as only lived down the road, anyway stopped outiside his house and began shouting peter in a mock danish accent then rode across his lawn suddendly the garage opens and a mercedes steams out, get off sharpish only for the chain to go on my bike the car stops next to me and it is his wife she goes bersek and being a kid i well and truly saw my arse, got off as fast as I could pushing my bike.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

c1tyfan said:
A far few years ago I went to an Eminem concert at the MEN with my Dad and sister. About 10 minutes into the concert there was a big fuss around our block so we turned round and Beckham and Posh were there in a private box....

Well, seen as i'd had a fair few beers by then, the blue mist descended and and under the lights it appeared that Beckham was wearing a Parka with a pink hood. Of course me and my dad then let rip with a chorus of Blue moon and various other city songs. He noticed this then called me up to his box to see what our problem was where I let rip with another tirade of anti ragness. When I turned around to go back to my seat my Dad was being dragged out by 4 security guards. Within 10 minutes he was allowed back in as the Beckhams had left the concert in disgust.

Quality night. We even got a mention in one of those pop magazines.

Thats why Kaka didnt sign
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

johnmc said:
c1tyfan said:
A far few years ago I went to an Eminem concert at the MEN with my Dad and sister. About 10 minutes into the concert there was a big fuss around our block so we turned round and Beckham and Posh were there in a private box....

Well, seen as i'd had a fair few beers by then, the blue mist descended and and under the lights it appeared that Beckham was wearing a Parka with a pink hood. Of course me and my dad then let rip with a chorus of Blue moon and various other city songs. He noticed this then called me up to his box to see what our problem was where I let rip with another tirade of anti ragness. When I turned around to go back to my seat my Dad was being dragged out by 4 security guards. Within 10 minutes he was allowed back in as the Beckhams had left the concert in disgust.

Quality night. We even got a mention in one of those pop magazines.

Thats why Kaka didnt sign
pissing that prick and his crack-skinny missus of is worth more than kaka could ever be! lol
used to get the bus outside best,s shop back to swinton one day saw him with chelle renoden (top model at the time ) so i went in and asked can u sign this pls best walked forward i say not u chelle his face was a picture laughed all the way home .
Was with my missus in Disneyland, Florida and while at the bar ordering a beer, malcolm Macdonald and Bryan Robson came and stood next to me.

I purposely shook Macdonalds hand and said something along the lines of him being a quality player in his day. He then turned and said 'so you know who this is then'?, i thought f*ck it and said 'no', so he said 'Bryan Robson Man Utd'.

I looked at Robson then back at MM and just said 'nah, never heard of him'!

They both turned and walked away leaving me and the missus in tears of laughter.
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Back when Tommy Doc was their manager I was working in Jimmy Saville's club when Lou Macari came in. I said "Oi, Lou, why aren't you serving in the chippy".

He wasn't happy.

Anyway, when he left his coat in the locker room I went over, told them I had been told to get it for him and take it to him and took it out the back.

The night before I had had toad in the hole for tea and had awful constipation. I dropped my pants and with al the might I could muster, desposited a log in his coat pocket.

When he came back a few hours later he was fuming, you should have seen his face. He started shouting 'Someone has had a shit in my coat pocket. I've been had over again by those damn City fans'.

Anyway, I wasn't there to witness this as the effort I had to muster to overcome the constipation was so much that I had ruptured my anal passage. I got a mate to take the coat back to the cloak room but I was writhing in agony on the floor and an ambulance had to be called. Two hours later I was having life saving surgery. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the following day and two coppers were waiting to arrest me. They had put two and two together and had me bang to rights for shitting in a coat.

I got five years, served three, lost my job and family and haven't seen any of my children in 30 years. Oh, and I have a plastic bag attached to my waist at all times now.

Still, got one over on that Rag Macari though, eh.

You sad rag twat !
Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

poh said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Back when Tommy Doc was their manager I was working in Jimmy Saville's club when Lou Macari came in. I said "Oi, Lou, why aren't you serving in the chippy".

He wasn't happy.

Anyway, when he left his coat in the locker room I went over, told them I had been told to get it for him and take it to him and took it out the back.

The night before I had had toad in the hole for tea and had awful constipation. I dropped my pants and with al the might I could muster, desposited a log in his coat pocket.

When he came back a few hours later he was fuming, you should have seen his face. He started shouting 'Someone has had a shit in my coat pocket. I've been had over again by those damn City fans'.

Anyway, I wasn't there to witness this as the effort I had to muster to overcome the constipation was so much that I had ruptured my anal passage. I got a mate to take the coat back to the cloak room but I was writhing in agony on the floor and an ambulance had to be called. Two hours later I was having life saving surgery. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the following day and two coppers were waiting to arrest me. They had put two and two together and had me bang to rights for shitting in a coat.

I got five years, served three, lost my job and family and haven't seen any of my children in 30 years. Oh, and I have a plastic bag attached to my waist at all times now.

Still, got one over on that Rag Macari though, eh.

You sad rag twat !

Re: Meeting Rag Players & Pissing Them Off!

poh said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Back when Tommy Doc was their manager I was working in Jimmy Saville's club when Lou Macari came in. I said "Oi, Lou, why aren't you serving in the chippy".

He wasn't happy.

Anyway, when he left his coat in the locker room I went over, told them I had been told to get it for him and take it to him and took it out the back.

The night before I had had toad in the hole for tea and had awful constipation. I dropped my pants and with al the might I could muster, desposited a log in his coat pocket.

When he came back a few hours later he was fuming, you should have seen his face. He started shouting 'Someone has had a shit in my coat pocket. I've been had over again by those damn City fans'.

Anyway, I wasn't there to witness this as the effort I had to muster to overcome the constipation was so much that I had ruptured my anal passage. I got a mate to take the coat back to the cloak room but I was writhing in agony on the floor and an ambulance had to be called. Two hours later I was having life saving surgery. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the following day and two coppers were waiting to arrest me. They had put two and two together and had me bang to rights for shitting in a coat.

I got five years, served three, lost my job and family and haven't seen any of my children in 30 years. Oh, and I have a plastic bag attached to my waist at all times now.

Still, got one over on that Rag Macari though, eh.

You sad rag twat !


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