Meeting Rag Players & ******* Them Off!

Nicky Butt pissed up in the Little Bee some 15 years ago my mates calls him a ( guess ) so Butt gives him a slap silly move Nicky me and me 2 mates give it him


Years ago me and a few lads were going on a piss up to Tenerife for a week. We were sat in the airport having a pint, and because it was busy we got served at different parts of the bar and were split up. Two of the lads had City shirts on with Kinkladze on the back. I was standing with three lads and one of them was a United fan wearing that a Rag top. Viv Anderson walked past and nodded at the City shirts. Thinking we were both Rags and probably not with them, he said "What do you reckon, Kinkladze for United?"

I took a couple of slurps of my pint and said "Doesnt sound like a fair swap, " and ignored him until he left.
Met Giggs a fair few time in clubs and hes always been a nice fella

First time i met we got introduced and were just chatting about music as id been working in the club,asked him what he did for a living and said " i play for a fucking blue?" and started laughing.

p.s Before anyone else says it im not a RAG :-)
Fucking Paul Scholes, when I was at Stalybridge Celtic on a work course.
Pam said:
Fucking Paul Scholes, when I was at Stalybridge Celtic on a work course.
Bloody Hell Pam - fucking Paul Scholes in Stalybridge - that's taking it a bit far - especially when you should have been working - lol.
I work as a youth worker
Last summer there was a sport project at 1 of the clubs
Sun Ji Park came 1 day for a photo shoot for nike on the field next 2 the project.

All the RAG kids were getting giddy, so one of the workers asked if he would come over 2 say hello and sign some autographs.
Guess what, he declined and fu**ed off in his motor sharpish.

The RAG kids were all crying, thats when I informed them that a City player would never do that : )

Still what a t**t though hey
I used to deliver Concrete tip it into wheel barrows and push it 1 day did a swimming pool on side of a mansion in cheshire had to go back week later to do the other half it was being built at the time I asked the lads on site who's house it was because it was huge and they couldn't tell. anyway next day in the paper there is a picture of this house and it happen to be Wayne Rooneys I laughed out loud to my driver and said that mansion yesterday was Rooneys. So went back to the house a week later to finish the pool off I put 1 of my old city shirts on the bottom of the pool and concreted it in also used his downstairs toilet had to piss all over the floor and fill his bog up with toilet paper so there we have it Rooneys has a City shirt buried at his Cheshire Mansion boring but I liked it.

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