Mehdi Benatia

sam-caddick said:
NorthEastScotlandMCFC said:

Is this what we could be looking at next season?

That's how I would like to see us set up in the Champions League and for me that team could go all the way with the correct winning mentality.

So for home games would you consider playing Dzeko, Aguero and Sanchez in a front 3 with Silva, Fernandinho and YaYa in the middle

Would the first team get enough goals though?
"Reports in Italy say Manchester City's deal for Roma's Mehdi Benatia is imminent for €38m. No word on whether Nastasic will be included." -Graeme Bailey
Goo said:
We will rue the day in a big way, if we let Nastasic leave City!

Exceptional for his age, and will only get better!

This Nastasic should not be leaving, unless on loan. He should be retained at all costs. It's not even too years ago he was the best player on the pitch when he made his debut in Madrid.
MillionDollarDream said:
"Reports in Italy say Manchester City's deal for Roma's Mehdi Benatia is imminent for €38m. No word on whether Nastasic will be included." -Graeme Bailey

really hope this is true!! in the prime off his career now and in 5 years will still only be 32! majestic and elegant defender and would be fantastic alongside vinny! if nasty has to go to sort the deal then it pains me to say it but do the deal. BUT I would hope it would be something like £18m + nasty and not £28m + nasty!
Why are people complaining about the fee? We need a top notch partner for Vinnie and £30M isn't unreasonable. We don't need fancy new toys up top we are now a solid unit with just a few minor areas to improve
Reports in the morning paper Juventus want Nastasic.
This could be a great deal for us as part ex with Roma for Benatia will see us getting shafted.

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