Melbourne City FC Thread

Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

I still can't understand the high horse attitude of the Melbourne club to the colour and name. They have been in existence for 5 years. Do they understand football at all? Crazy.
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

Falastur said:
Oh I don't doubt, but the issue is that everything seems to have gone wrong. in Melbourne, city have basically only done two things: tried to change the name and the colours. We've already spoken about the colours, but one thing I forgot to add is that when they applied for the name Melbourne City then a Sunday League side with that name came out of nowhere and applied for the name first. For a while it even sounded like the other team were going to be awarded it, now it sounds like there's rumours of a possible multi-million dollar pay-off to buy the rights. All the whole they've been copping huge flack from the fans, who want nothing to do with a team which is willing to change their identity - and who can blame them?

In NYC similarly it seems everything is going wrong. We can't build a stadium because the locals and the politicians won't let us. When we almost got a breakthrough last year, the very next week the Mayor left office and his replacement is on record basically saying he has no intention of entering into discussions over letting us have a stadium. When we tried to put a bit of investment into a local university's resources so that we could train there it got us sued. Sued, for crying out loud! Can you imagine if someone sued City for trying to redevelop East Manchester to bring it out of its squalid state?

I've been following news of both clubs closely - I'm a member of both clubs' forums - and it just feels to me like everything is going to pot. I'm not saying it's a doomed project or anything, but Soriano & Co must be wondering why they bother right now, and I do wonder whether all these problems will cause them to scale down City's involvement in CFG.

I don't think its as drastic as that. They would have expected opposition to the colour change from the supporters, and I still think the feeling towards positive.

They would have also expected difficulties getting things done in NY, and from my perspective the NYCFC project has been overwhelmingly positive.

No chance that more than a few thousand $ would have been paid out over the Melbourne City name change either.
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

TonyM said:
I still can't understand the high horse attitude of the Melbourne club to the colour and name. They have been in existence for 5 years. Do they understand football at all? Crazy.
I can understand it, there fans don't want just want to be a Manchester city spin off, they want their own identity.

They've been supporting a club since its existence, then a prem club buys them out and changes everything about the club. I would be pretty pissed to.
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

greasedupdeafguy said:
TonyM said:
I still can't understand the high horse attitude of the Melbourne club to the colour and name. They have been in existence for 5 years. Do they understand football at all? Crazy.
I can understand it, there fans don't want just want to be a Manchester city spin off, they want their own identity.

They've been supporting a club since its existence, then a prem club buys them out and changes everything about the club. I would be pretty pissed to.

Yeah I can imagine the fans would be upset, any more upset though than West Gorton/Ardwick fans were at changing their club colours and identity - it's a natural evolution for a fledgling team and league,
What I can't understand though is the opposition in both Australia and New York by the 'powers-that-be' to our plans. There will no doubt be massive benefits to local communities and increased interest in the respective football leagues. For them thebenefits are enormous.
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

dario2739 said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
TonyM said:
I still can't understand the high horse attitude of the Melbourne club to the colour and name. They have been in existence for 5 years. Do they understand football at all? Crazy.
I can understand it, there fans don't want just want to be a Manchester city spin off, they want their own identity.

They've been supporting a club since its existence, then a prem club buys them out and changes everything about the club. I would be pretty pissed to.

Yeah I can imagine the fans would be upset, any more upset though than West Gorton/Ardwick fans were at changing their club colours and identity - it's a natural evolution for a fledgling team and league,
What I can't understand though is the opposition in both Australia and New York by the 'powers-that-be' to our plans. There will no doubt be massive benefits to local communities and increased interest in the respective football leagues. For them thebenefits are enormous.
wish people would stop using that as an example it isnt the same!

I can fully understand why melbourne hearts are not happy with their club being turned in to Manchester City mark II.

Read their fans forum to get their fans perspective.

NYCFC is a different case as its a totally knew club in a league which is growing and has huge potential. Plus the rivalry with new york red bulls could be very exciting. The Melbourne Hearts purchase makes me a little uneasy, just reminds me of the red bulls takeover of austria salzburg.
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

Falastur said:
dario2739 said:
So the FA allowed Cardiff to change their colours to red... even though the PL has a fair few teams who play in red already, yet the Aussies aren't going to let Melbourne change... why?

Because Australia has a grand total of 10 teams of any signficance, total. The A-League is a closed shop, and unlike the MLS they have no intention of expanding it, and the next step down is such a vast drop it's the equivalent of the Conference North being made the second tier of English football. The league therefore wants each of its ten clubs to look completely different to each other.

moomba said:
Ridiculous thing is that the FFA allow West Sydney to wear red and white stripes (horizontal) which is the same colours as Heart's home kit.

All sports in Australia are very Sydney-centric though.

Red and white hoops looks different to bars though, and besides, it's their away kit. There still seems to be a suggestion that Heart can use blue for their away. They just don't want to.

I have to admit that I'm getting a little concerned about the future of the CFG. It's definitely turning into a bit of a nightmare for City. I have no doubt that they'll stick to their guns and keep pressing on, but there's been a catalogue of problems now that must surely be making Khaldoon and Soriano wonder if the CFG network is worth it anymore:

- Mayors of NYC coming out publicly to say that they don't want NYCFC to be allowed to build a all
- NYC citizens at a public consultation of a stadium getting so angry that some had to be ejected by the police
- FFA vetoing Heart using sky blue
- The meeting with the FFA and City over the colour issue apparently becoming so heated that the two organisations are on the verge of a complete fall-out
- NYC and Melbourne fans making it clear that they want there to be as little connection with City as possible
- A few Heart fans protesting City's ownership because of the sky blue thing
- Americans getting caught up on the whole "human rights" thing
- NYCFC getting sued & potentially banned from having a training ground because its proposed (temporary) training ground will cause "traffic problems"

...and this is what's happened in 12 months. It doesn't exactly paint a rosy picture for the future.
To me it's a brilliant marketing idea.

The biggest mistake, and I wondered about it at the time, is investing in such a small market as Australia. We shouldn't have bothered with it and focused on Japan and China.

The NYC shenanigans is common with trying to build anything in New York. Wait until Villa, Gilardino, and maybe Xavi or Lampard join. Will be a huge success IMHO
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

I'm not arguing with that it's a brilliant marketing idea, and I'm not saying that NYCFC won't be a roaring success, I'm saying that so much has gone wrong in NYC and Melbourne that Soriano and Khaldoon must be wondering if they are jinxed. The principle is sound, and there's plenty of scope for on-pitch success, but in practice it seems that off the pitch, everyone with any interest at all has their knives out already. It just feels like NYC and Melbourne are very hostile environments to expand into, and we should have chosen different locations.
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

Looks like CFG wasn't properly briefed on the situation surrounding the Club and the league it looks like a very complicated situation and the fans are deadset against the colour change looking at that forum. Wish we had bought Sydney somehow, would've been so much less complicated
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

greasedupdeafguy said:
TonyM said:
I still can't understand the high horse attitude of the Melbourne club to the colour and name. They have been in existence for 5 years. Do they understand football at all? Crazy.
I can understand it, there fans don't want just want to be a Manchester city spin off, they want their own identity.

They've been supporting a club since its existence, then a prem club buys them out and changes everything about the club. I would be pretty pissed to.

seems to me a lot don't give a shit about colors some of are those united watcher in australia and now are moaning because of the sky blue color

but the club it self still less than 5 years of existence so or this shit history is talking is just way of bitching about City destroying football :)
Re: Melbourne Heart FC Thread

Read a report that David Villa has been linked with them??

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