CitizenTID said:
I don't like this franchise shit - the lazy badge copying has killed it for me. Supporting a football club is more than just supporting a team play week in week out, it's something unique you identify with. It would have been easy to come up with a simple badge that incorporated the Melbourne flag. Now we are at the forefront turning football clubs into primarily business interests
We are a business. ADUG didnt create CFG for philanthropic reasons, it sees CFG as a money making business and worldwide marketing tool. We were the initial phase and others will follow using what Khaldoon said was his prerred model for running a football club.
Ive seen a few on twatter and on here who seem to think CFG are concentrating too much on other aspects and not concentrating enough on us. I think is fairly selfish and we are going to have get used to the fact we are a cog in an ever increasing set of wheels and sometimes what we personally may wish for may be contrary to the needs of CFG as a whole