Mental Illness

My mate had a "brief psychotic episode"

It is not her fault and it is certainly not your fault. Be there if she needs you and stay away if that is what she wants. Always remember that you are only of any use to anyone when you are truly happy and if that means you have to put yourself first then that is nothing you should ever feel guilt for.

Stay strong and I hope that she finds the strength and help to get better.
Gaylord du Bois said:
Serious question. Is Bi-polar disorder being diagnosed in number form now.

No however I can confidently say that you definitely need help. I hope you are proud taking the piss on a thread like this.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
Serious question. Is Bi-polar disorder being diagnosed in number form now.

No however I can confidently say that you definitely need help. I hope you are proud taking the piss on a thread like this.
Which part of serious question didn't you get. And for your fuckin information I've carried someone through it.
Gaylord du Bois said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
Serious question. Is Bi-polar disorder being diagnosed in number form now.

No however I can confidently say that you definitely need help. I hope you are proud taking the piss on a thread like this.
Which part of serious question didn't you get. And for your fuckin information I've carried someone through it.

Maybe it's just me that read the comment as a joke. I apologise as you have experienced how bad mental illness can be and hope that your story had a happy ending.

mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
No however I can confidently say that you definitely need help. I hope you are proud taking the piss on a thread like this.
Which part of serious question didn't you get. And for your fuckin information I've carried someone through it.

Maybe it's just me that read the comment as a joke. I apologise as you have experienced how bad mental illness can be and hope that your story had a happy ending.

That's ok mate. I realise things can come across differently in this dimension.
I'm not sure if there is ever a happy ending but life has changed so much for the better in the last 4 years for her. All anyone can do is offer love and support then if the person trusts and has faith in you to help them, then there is a way forward.
Strangely enough I found out a lot about myself whilst helping her which had very humbling effect on me.
No one probably cares and I am probably bumming out a few christmas eves here but thought I would do an update as I feel I need to and I am a bit low at the minute.

So my therapist thinks I have an anxiety disorder which has been laying dormant for a while and my ex is now my trigger for it. She was really fantastic at helping me and has put me on to my GP to talk to him and I think I am going to start real therapy soon (she is just a works therapist not a long term one). She also gave me some books to read.

At the minute though I am again really going through the symptoms, as I type this I just got off the phone to her and it turns out she has instantly taken herself off the medication the doc gave her, she seems really out of it on the phone too.I know she has barely been sleeping due to her telling me she has been up tidying and stuff at 4am because she cant sleep.

The therapist was very strong in her wording that I need to shift all the responsibilities off myself as it is not my responsibility to care for her but it is so hard.

Right now I am going through the symptoms again, my heart is hurting and I just cant wait to see my therapist again. This is fucking shit I was totally sane a few weeks ago but now i feel mental :( It is so hard to say "she is not my responsibility" without all these images of her living in a shit hole/going homeless/doing really strange mental things argh im in pain.

again, so sorry for this but had to get it out again.
BlueSam said:
No one probably cares and I am probably bumming out a few christmas eves here but thought I would do an update as I feel I need to and I am a bit low at the minute.

So my therapist thinks I have an anxiety disorder which has been laying dormant for a while and my ex is now my trigger for it. She was really fantastic at helping me and has put me on to my GP to talk to him and I think I am going to start real therapy soon (she is just a works therapist not a long term one). She also gave me some books to read.

At the minute though I am again really going through the symptoms, as I type this I just got off the phone to her and it turns out she has instantly taken herself off the medication the doc gave her, she seems really out of it on the phone too.I know she has barely been sleeping due to her telling me she has been up tidying and stuff at 4am because she cant sleep.

The therapist was very strong in her wording that I need to shift all the responsibilities off myself as it is not my responsibility to care for her but it is so hard.

Right now I am going through the symptoms again, my heart is hurting and I just cant wait to see my therapist again. This is fucking shit I was totally sane a few weeks ago but now i feel mental :( It is so hard to say "she is not my responsibility" without all these images of her living in a shit hole/going homeless/doing really strange mental things argh im in pain.

again, so sorry for this but had to get it out again.

Now you are talking shit ;-)

Of course people care - look at the people on here who have given you their time and a few words of encouragement. People who don't know you from Adam so don't be so hard on yourself.

Feel free to get it all off your chest - PM me if it helps and I'll be back to you as soon as I get it. Sometimes having a fucking good moan does more good than any tablets or therapy - especially when you know the person who's listening knows exactly how you feel about what you are saying and won't judge you no matter how silly you think your words are.

Don't ever think you're alone with things like this - there'll always be clueless idiots who'll tell you to pull yourself together and it'll be ok. But, more importantly, there'll also be a few who'll sit down with a brew and say right go on tell me whats up mate.

Don't forget the PM ;-)
gbillyblue said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
Serious question. Is Bi-polar disorder being diagnosed in number form now.
the whole thing is quite confusing really

I personally feel that BPD is used as a catch-all to describe a range of psychiatric, personality and emotional problems in people. On paper I'm designated Bipolar Type 1, due to the presence of identifiable manic (as opposed to Hypomanic) and depressive episodes. That said, I'm probably being treated using a different strategy to the next 4, 5 or 10 patients.

As gbilly says, it's extremely confusing for patients and families and much of my ability to understand my condition is enabled by talking to people with a similar diagnosis. But not everyone knows someone else with Bipolar Disorder. It's a very personal condition which erodes your trust in yourself, not to mention how much trust you can expect from those around you. Thus you become isolated and are easy prey for depression.

The best moment of my Bipolar 'career' was when my father-in-law took me to one side and said 'Look, I trust you and I know you're not batshit. Just always be honest with us'.

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