Mental Illness

We can talk about " depression" until the sun goes down, nothing will change. Some people have incidents in their life that affect them deeply, they find it hard to cope and no matter how much you try to help them they can't seem to shake things off and be the person they were before. I've had dramatic experience of this myself, my sister is currently held in a secure unit due to her " mental illness "
Personally, and I really don't care if you think I'm being harsh, that "depression" is an excuse. Everyone has really bad days, that's life, dust yourself down and get on with it. The way that cannabis use has become more and more common doesn't help, it's paranoia qualities are well documented especially if frequently used. I find it hard to have sympathy really after seeing my sisters life, she had the opportunities to change the course of her life but chose not to, simple, we have life choices, up to you what you do. Not convinced about chemical imbalances either as far as I can see just looking for another excuse.
Thanks for your response mate, With it being slightly contraversial I can see it enticing someone to come on and argue with you, Please can we avoid this in this thread as I dont want it to get off topic its actually really helping sort my head out. Even though the camps seem to be about 50/50 split on what I should do.
Chris Mac said:
We can talk about " depression" until the sun goes down, nothing will change. Some people have incidents in their life that affect them deeply, they find it hard to cope and no matter how much you try to help them they can't seem to shake things off and be the person they were before. I've had dramatic experience of this myself, my sister is currently held in a secure unit due to her " mental illness "
Personally, and I really don't care if you think I'm being harsh, that "depression" is an excuse. Everyone has really bad days, that's life, dust yourself down and get on with it. The way that cannabis use has become more and more common doesn't help, it's paranoia qualities are well documented especially if frequently used. I find it hard to have sympathy really after seeing my sisters life, she had the opportunities to change the course of her life but chose not to, simple, we have life choices, up to you what you do. Not convinced about chemical imbalances either as far as I can see just looking for another excuse.

Personally, and I really don't care if you think I'm being harsh, that's a shit post and I think you're talking bollocks.

Works both ways eh.
Mental illness is not an excuse for being lazy, not caring etc! Depression is as real as a broken leg, but cos you cant see it it's not taken as serious. Professional help is needed to prevent things getting worse, be it medication, counselling or a period in hospital. After that though the person MUST help themselves and be prepared to go through a lot of emotions. Everyone else can only help but it needs to come from the person themselves. Slowly build confidence up by taking small steps, like diet, exercise and relaxation.
Sorry to hear about your situation blue.

It sounds like she has had a really rough time and is in a dark place. It's good your venting and getting it out, but the reality is she needs professional help. It's nothing to be ashamed of and you may just need to walk her over the line. If that mean's taking her there, then do it. It sounds like you really care for this girl, so take action.

All the best mate.
Aren't there enough threads already covering people's general views on depression?

This is all that matters here surely?

BlueSam said:
Thanks for your response mate, With it being slightly contraversial I can see it enticing someone to come on and argue with you, Please can we avoid this in this thread as I dont want it to get off topic its actually really helping sort my head out. Even though the camps seem to be about 50/50 split on what I should do.
BlueSam said:
Thanks for your response mate, With it being slightly contraversial I can see it enticing someone to come on and argue with you, Please can we avoid this in this thread as I dont want it to get off topic its actually really helping sort my head out. Even though the camps seem to be about 50/50 split on what I should do.

I'm currently suffering from moderate anxiety and depression. Both of you have my profoundest sympathy and best wishes.

She's undoubtedly suffering more than me, but I would be very firmly in the camp that she's worth continuing to support.

A few practical points: -

You can only provide some support - not all of it can fall on your shoulders.
The starting point *has* to be her GP with referral to her community mental health team. Her GP will also be able to prescribe some level of medication that will undoubtedly help.
Financially it should be possible to get her on some type of allowance such as income related Employment and Support. Jobcentreplus would be able to advise.
Have you considered buying a pet? The unconditional love they return is a huge help and something like a dog may get her out of the house for walks. If you decide to do this, it needs to be done carefully. Rescued animals may have their own mental health problems which paradoxically could be a good or bad thing.

Finally a word of encouragement. People *do* recover from these types of problems.<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:42 pm --<br /><br />
adammck said:
Sorry to hear about your situation blue.

It sounds like she has had a really rough time and is in a dark place. It's good your venting and getting it out, but the reality is she needs professional help. It's nothing to be ashamed of and you may just need to walk her over the line. If that mean's taking her there, then do it. It sounds like you really care for this girl, so take action.

All the best mate.

Yep I agree. She needs professional help and remember that there's no shame attached to having an illness in the brain. Its just as prone as any organ to disease.
Fair enough that you don't agree with me, your choice and your opinion. I'm wondering if those that don't agree have been themselves or had a family member in a similar position? Secondly I'd like to know why you would think it's bollocks? Is it because "they can't help it", "it's not their fault" etc, etc. I heard it many, many times in court rooms and from "mental health experts" over the course of numerous court appearances, as far as I'm concerned they were the ones talking bollocks.
No one forced my sister to smoke weed to excess, her choice and the "problems" she had apparently started when she ramped up her use of it, you make your bed........

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