Messi in tunnel bust-up after game?

I'd like to know who it was, wouldnt be Zaba as he loves him. When Messi walked down the players in the tunnel before the game, every single City player was looking at him in awe.
Really? I remember seeing it at the time and being struck with how they were almost staring him out, and I liked it. I definitely sensed an edge to how they all seemed to be flashing glares over at him, so much so that when the players had to do the silly handshake bollocks just before kick off I was watching carefully to see what happened when they got to Messi who I think was on the very end, but the camera didnt pick it up (because he was on the end and didnt follow the line that far down).
Can imagine Kolarov with soap in his eye in the shower squinting and seeing what looks like a back scrubber only after use seeing a very upset and wet messi and his now fucked up beard looking scared and bemused.
What would you have said to precious Lionel at the end?
After his moaning to the ref at every chance I'd have said. "What did you think about Sergio's innocent Argentinian hand of god assist for our 3rd goal. True justice after the Sterling penalty we didn't get don't you think?"
If blanked I would have pointed Mr Messi towards his dressing room.
If provoked I would have called him a bad loser and possibly used rude words.
I have it on good authority that Mikel asked Messi for a sniff of his pussy.

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