Financially Barca have a major problem , there are caveats on profitability and wages that if not met will force the bord to resign, this at a time they need to build a new ground. They cannot meet their goals now and giving huge rises to both Neymar and Messi can't happen without sacrificing quite a few others. I suspect Barca will cash in on one of the two of them to try and raise 150m, allow a big pay rise for the other and to enable them to keep the squad. I think they know that a new 40m signing plus Suarez and Messi/Neymar is plenty good enough. Who will they choose though to keep ? I always thought they would let Messi go as that commercially and long term potentially football wise most likely to be the best bet. Messi has been the face of adidas for 10 years and has been fully cashed in on, Neymar has been behind Ronaldo and is clearly the player they are likely to make more from over the next decade. So will Barca go with head or heart and will we be the team to benefit from whoever is released