Mesut Özil

I wouldn't say he's shafting them at all, Weder want him to stay. A good run in the CL as well as qualifying for next years would earn them more than his transfer fee, he's pretty key to them. Plus they'd have a year to scout his replacement and get a better deal than rushing round in the last few weeks of the window.

It's a good move for both parties for him to stay an extra year.
JamesTenOne said:
Raphael Honigstein (German journalist, writes for The Guardian):

"Got some good info on Özil. Madrid and Barca not really in the running right now, looks like Prem for him. Check my piece later"
Just said yesterday he's staying at Bremen for another year before he moves.
that was only half the quote...he also said that if Weder were to accept an offer than he would of course be delighted to move...

today the General manager has said that they expect a bid and if its a fair price then he can leave
JamesTenOne said:
Raphael Honigstein (German journalist, writes for The Guardian):

"Got some good info on Özil. Madrid and Barca not really in the running right now, looks like Prem for him. Check my piece later"

Honigstein's recent tweets:

"Utd, Arse and CFC all interested, to varying degrees. Decision not yet made, depends on many variables."

"Özil: not really about a bidding war but finding a solution that both club and player (and various agents) are happy with"

Doesn't look like we've put any feelers out in his or Bremen's direction.

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