Micah richards

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FogBlueInSanFran said:
FantasyIreland said:

I enjoy the transfer forum and the ITK posts,most are good fun,some very informative and exciting,i like to think I appreciate them in the spirit they are intended,however.........there is something that doesn't quite sit right with this OP.

He's a very strange egg.

Having followed this forum for going on 18 hours, I think the issue here isn't the foaming at the mouth over transfers, but that the OP appeared to be lying and got caught -- hoist on his own petard, as it were -- and certainly offered facts that weren't facts and were disproven conclusively by others.

It's one thing to commit these mistakes, admit meekly that you've overstepped your bounds and move on, and quite another to extend the thread for pages insisting you're in the right (and not very kindly either) when the preponderance of the evidence says otherwise.

The definition of ITK is always a judgement call anyway; that's really not why he was castigated. "I heard", "I think" and "I know" are all VERY different ways to start a sentence -- we should use them properly.

A very observant post and one I thoroughly endorse. I have someone who posts me snippets and sometimes you think WOW,really and yes sometimes they come to fruition and other times not.But I don`t bellyache to him if it ends up as a non story as I know he tells it as it is.But the one thing I have never done,nor will I ever,is betray his trust.He confides in me (and I`m not the only one) but he knows that whatever he tells me,it goes absolutely no further.
FogBlueInSanFran said:
FantasyIreland said:

I enjoy the transfer forum and the ITK posts,most are good fun,some very informative and exciting,i like to think I appreciate them in the spirit they are intended,however.........there is something that doesn't quite sit right with this OP.

He's a very strange egg.

Having followed this forum for going on 18 hours, I think the issue here isn't the foaming at the mouth over transfers, but that the OP appeared to be lying and got caught -- hoist on his own petard, as it were -- and certainly offered facts that weren't facts and were disproven conclusively by others.

It's one thing to commit these mistakes, admit meekly that you've overstepped your bounds and move on, and quite another to extend the thread for pages insisting you're in the right (and not very kindly either) when the preponderance of the evidence says otherwise.

The definition of ITK is always a judgement call anyway; that's really not why he was castigated. "I heard", "I think" and "I know" are all VERY different ways to start a sentence -- we should use them properly.

I agree that posting things as "fact" is asking for trouble, and that users such as the OP would benefit from being less definitive in what they say.

The point I was making about "foaming at the mouth", as you put it, was a more general one about the Transfer Forum as a whole rather than this thread in particular though.
Is it wrong that I'm almost hoping Micah goes just so this thread continues?

(Said firmly tongue in cheek in case anyone wondered)
As a student of psychology I can safely state that Worsely is a little strange. It's as if he is fixated on proving the opposite completely wrong. Whether or not he has inside information remains unknown.

He's a very angry person, but that anger could be stemmed from the fact that he does have ITK info. and is extremely pissed off with people shunning him aside. This type of behaviour makes him come across as a child. Literally 14-22 years of age I'm guessing. Especially with the egging on of Pudge and telling him to reply countless times.

Anyways, that's my analysis.
George Hannah said:
FantasyIreland said:
OP - I don't want your PM's.

Take them elsewhere.
Just tell him that by replying to his PM then, why would we be interested in what you want or don't want?

I do know that he sent PM`s last night to at least 5 different Blue Mooners,as I received 3 from him,so he came from the offensive to the defensive and tried to justify his reasoning with tales of woe.
Can't believe I decided to go to bed early last night.

Overnight I'm supposed to have become a mind reader, knowing exactly what PMs worsley had sent, who he sent them to and when...

Yet just take his workd that he did.

At least I got a good nights sleep. Reading back from where I left off I imagine worsley woke up with the cold sweats screaming my name.

Is Richards still here btw?
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