Michael Johnson.....

the guy has issues that there is no doubt about.

he has had the chance to be a top international footballer and has seen his chance disappear - the reference to Lakey is very fitting in johno's case. to bounce back again and again after repeated setbacks will test even the most steely of people, again look at what lakey went through.

there is no place for drink driving, but the guy has had to sit and watch his dreams fall into ruins - tell me would you be the same mess? i would!!

but anyway, back to the original question - where is he now??
Craggers said:
Tony Adcock said:
What has being injured got to do with drink driving ?

Yes we all make mistakes, but some are not mistakes ie drink driving ....Twice. That is just blatant disregard for other people and the consequences it may have on them if he has an accident.

So for me he is not a person to feel sorry for. Plus if he has mental issues there is more than enough opportunities in football for him to get these addressed.

Anyone caught drink driving once, let alone twice, needs the book throwing at them and rightly so. However, not every case is cut and dry, as depression comes in different guises and effects peoples judgement in different ways.

These people need help and support to get them through, not throwing on the scrapheap or being publicly humilated by fans of team he once played for who know very little of his personal circumstances.

And the first step in helping them is by taking their car off them. He's had enough in his wallet for a personal chauffeur.

A great pity that the footballer didn't mature into what he might have been. He would have been a superb addition to the present squad.
milestone said:

Where is he now?

so sad...

The fat prick ill be on the lash somewhere no doubt.
Another young footballer who could have had everything but decided that alcohol was his preferred option.
What a waste and a waster
The really sad part is that he is 24 and has 2 years left on his contract. He had a cruciate ligament repair - a major operation and never really got fit again.

Dumped by Leicester in Januray, he came back to one of the best sports medicine and physio set ups in the world. He had a chance to get it back but didn't take it - preferring the ale and the nightlife.

Sometimes, people have to hit the bottom before they can pick themselves up. At 24 MJ still has a chance to recover. I hope wherever he is, he's taking that chance. But I doubt it.
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.
sir peace frog said:
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.
I had a falling out with a mate years ago as he was caught and i said this very thing to him..
people dont realise(or some on here dont) what drink drivers do to innocent lives,familys destroyed,loved ones gone.

to those who have sympathy,think for a minute,waving your kids off as they skip over the zebra crossing waving at the lollypop lady,when bang,some lad pissed from the night before not quite with it,god forbid this happens to anybody on this board,but it happens.
sir peace frog said:
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.

I've not read anywhere people having sympathy for drink drivers. Anyone who gets into a car while under the influence deserves the book throwing at them and in my opinion the law isn't strong enough on drink drivers.

Severe depression effects people in different ways, so to try and compare MJ with your friend isn't a fair comparison, unless you're privvy to all the MJ facts.
Craggers said:
sir peace frog said:
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.

I've not read anywhere people having sympathy for drink drivers. Anyone who gets into a car while under the influence deserves the book throwing at them and in my opinion the law isn't strong enough on drink drivers.

Severe depression effects people in different ways, so to try and compare MJ with your friend isn't a fair comparison, unless you're privvy to all the MJ facts.

Craggers is johnson a c u n t for drinkin driving Twice

Yes or no?
The cookie monster said:
Craggers said:
sir peace frog said:
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.

I've not read anywhere people having sympathy for drink drivers. Anyone who gets into a car while under the influence deserves the book throwing at them and in my opinion the law isn't strong enough on drink drivers.

Severe depression effects people in different ways, so to try and compare MJ with your friend isn't a fair comparison, unless you're privvy to all the MJ facts.

Craggers is johnson a c u n t for drinkin driving Twice

Yes or no?

No. Don't even drink mate and have 2 kids myself.

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