Michael Johnson.....

Craggers said:
The cookie monster said:
Craggers said:
I've not read anywhere people having sympathy for drink drivers. Anyone who gets into a car while under the influence deserves the book throwing at them and in my opinion the law isn't strong enough on drink drivers.

Severe depression effects people in different ways, so to try and compare MJ with your friend isn't a fair comparison, unless you're privvy to all the MJ facts.

Craggers is johnson a c u n t for drinkin driving Twice

Yes or no?

No. Don't even drink mate and have 2 kids myself.
So if he mowed down one of your kids or any other folks kid while pissed up at the wheel..he is still not a ****?
Lets hope he's at the job centre, not at our training ground making the place look messy with his pissy breath. Had his chances wasted them all, now get rid!
Craggers said:
sir peace frog said:
i knew a lad years ago,a youg pro footballer,got injured just before a big move(wrexham),really good up and coming lad.he got injured,nothing too serious but needed an op,the hospital messed up,his career over,he didnt piss it up the wall,he went to college,got an education,now last i heard hes doing well in accountancy,,got a great wedge compo(not sure how must)

michael johnson was lucky enough to live the dreams of kids worldwide,he got injured which is sad,but did he put everything into getting back ? or did he go for a drink ?

drink driving should carry the tag of attempted murder,everytime you get into a car and drive it pissed,your putting my childrens life at stake,your putting my parents lives at stake,your putting every person in the countrys life at stake.

how anybody can have sympathy for a drink driver is nothing short of mental,what next sympathy for child murderers,because when your pissed driving theres every chance youll hit a kid.

I've not read anywhere people having sympathy for drink drivers. Anyone who gets into a car while under the influence deserves the book throwing at them and in my opinion the law isn't strong enough on drink drivers.

Severe depression effects people in different ways, so to try and compare MJ with your friend isn't a fair comparison, unless you're privvy to all the MJ facts.

You're a grater aren't you????

Firstly you're insinuating you know more than most regarding johnny 5 bellies a) injuries b) his mental state and c) the lad personally........

Well you obviously know fuck all about the lad to start with, he's an arse of the highest order and that comes from knowing him personally. Secondly what the hell do you actually know about his 'depressive' state??? Are you qualified to comment other than you've read he self medicates through jacky daniels????

Oh and he's a ****, has that been mentioned??????
Him drink driving, twice (caught) is being played down because he's had a lot of injuries.

Only on bluemoon.

Maybe he should use that in his defence in Court.
what annoys me about Johnson is the fact that this time last season he was on loan at Leicester and still received 2 tickets for the 6-1 derby which he sold for £100 each
The lad is an idiot he had it all and as many have said he's absolutely pissed his career up the wall. Granted he had injuries but weve got 1 of, if not the best medical and sports science teams in football employed at the club and still thats not good enough. Im almost positive that the help (for depression arf!!) would have been there had he been willing to use it.

As for the drink driving, its an absolute CUNTS trick and being caught twice makes you immediately wonder how many times he got away with it!!!
adrianr said:
Does anyone honestly care anymore?

I find it difficult to care about someone who looks at his bank statement each month and sees over £100k going in every month!

He will never play for us again.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
adrianr said:
Does anyone honestly care anymore?

I find it difficult to care about someone who looks at his bank statement each month and sees over £100k going in every month!

He will never play for us again.

So money means he is happy. The guy is a **** but you cant not feel sorry for someone because they earn a fair wad. "oh sorry to hear your mum and dad were murdered but look at your bank statement"

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