Michael Johnson.....

This **** liked a drink before the injuries which some are saying led to depression and then the drink.

He fucked up big style, he had a chance millions would work hard for and i've no sympathy what so ever.

And was he ever really going to be that good?

How many times did he actually play for the first team?

We will never know now but the comparisons to Colin Bell were embarrassing at the time.
Can't wait till his contract is up and he's released so we don't have to have the monthly Johnson thread anymore.
shilly8903 said:
Lets hope he's at the job centre, not at our training ground making the place look messy with his pissy breath. Had his chances wasted them all, now get rid!

There will be no visits to the job centre for MJ.
That looks like an official photo for the MCFC site "Players" section. When are they actually going to change the pictures on there? Does anyone else think it looks a bit crap for a club of our status who have been playing in the new kit for months, to still have all the players' old photos on the site, some of them (ie Johnson) wearing a kit from several years ago? Seems weird to me. Johnson's photo is a bit more flattering to him than the "elephant-size" one from 2009 that is currently on the site and I am quite surprised to see they have even taken a squad photo with him in the new kit on it as I thought he had entered some sort of limbo where he didn't train or play any more. Is there a 2012/2013 squad photo in circulation? Is he on it?
Can't understand people sticking up for him just because he has a contract with our club, a contract that he hasn't bothered to honour because he enjoys being a lazy, fat pisshead who is always out on the lash. Haven't people on here even said that most on his problems were in his head before his latest injuries ?. His injuries now are probably consistent with his lifestyle anyway, failing to follow a proper fitness regime and polluting his body with all sorts of shite using the £50k a week that he is stealing from us every fucking week. The cheeky prick also has the nerve to drink drive and not only is he putting people's lives at risk he is dragging our clubs image through the mud. It's not like he can't afford a chauffeur or a taxi is it ?

Settle up his contract and get him the Fook out of city as its not like he's ever going to play for us again is it.
grim up north said:
Bluebee2 said:
What's sad ? He was given a fantastic opportunity that made him a wealthy young man and he decided to piss it up the wall, drink driving, I think he's only been caught twice, god knows how many times he did it risking peoples lives, an absolute wanker.

I love when the absolute perfect citizens of this country come into threads like this.

He has been quite badly injured

That makes it ok to drink & drive does it ? If you lost your job would it make it ok for you to do the same. Thought not.
mansour's tow ropes said:
Anyone calling Johnson a **** should read Paul lake's book, then you your attitude towards him may well change

I read the book. Paul Lake was badly injured but the club just didn't get the right help for him. He was badly treated by the club.

MJ has had the best medical support available to him. Others have serious injuries and work damn hard to get back. The guy just doesn't want to put in. I've got friends who are Leicester City fans. They were not impressed with him.<br /><br />-- Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:51 am --<br /><br />
GazM said:
grim up north said:
Bluebee2 said:
What's sad ? He was given a fantastic opportunity that made him a wealthy young man and he decided to piss it up the wall, drink driving, I think he's only been caught twice, god knows how many times he did it risking peoples lives, an absolute wanker.

I love when the absolute perfect citizens of this country come into threads like this.

He has been quite badly injured

There are other players who have had serious injuries. They have worked damn hard to get back.
It's sad to see what has happened to him. Had it all and now he is finished.

Also agree with with other guy wtf are they doing with the site. Get the new profile pics and a download able team photo for desktop backgrounds.

Every other club do it. We upload videos of goals and inside training on a regular basis so why not a few pictures.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
adrianr said:
Does anyone honestly care anymore?

I find it difficult to care about someone who looks at his bank statement each month and sees over £100k going in every month!

He will never play for us again.

So money means he is happy. The guy is a **** but you cant not feel sorry for someone because they earn a fair wad. "oh sorry to hear your mum and dad were murdered but look at your bank statement"

Bit of a difference between feeling sorry for someone who had lost someone to murder than lost out on playing football dont you think? I have no time for drink drivers especially thick twats who get caught twice.

I too will be glad when he is off the payroll and personally couldnt give a shit what happens to him.

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